Watch: First runway iftar at Dubai International Airport

DXB is the world's busiest international hub that welcomed 86.9 million passengers last year


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Published: Wed 20 Mar 2024, 4:01 PM

Last updated: Thu 21 Mar 2024, 11:30 AM

Against the backdrop of planes taking off and touching down, a group of employees at Dubai International Airport (DXB) held a first-ever iftar on the runway, symbolising a sense of community and the coming together of different cultures.

In a video shared by DXB on Wednesday, staff of various nationalities can be seen setting up the iftar table set on the tarmac and placing customary Ramadan treats, including dates, fruits, sweets, refreshing beverages, and traditional Arabic dishes.

“The collaborative effort fostered a shared sense of purpose for the special occasion, enhancing the overall experience,” noted DXB.

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Iftar or breaking of the fast began with the setting sun and the employees can be seen not only passing food and drinks, but also sharing stories and forging bonds.

“We celebrate the values of empathy, compassion, and unity that resonate across all communities, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among our team members,” noted Majed Al Joker, chief operating officer of Dubai Airports.

“This novel airside initiative underscores our commitment to promoting inclusivity and cultural understanding. It’s truly heart-warming to witness employees from varied backgrounds and cultures come together to celebrate the spirit of Ramadan and showcase the many ways DXB can create memorable and enjoyable experiences,” he added.

DXB is the world's busiest international hub that welcomed 86.9 million passengers last year. It is connected to 262 destinations across 104 countries through 102 international carriers. DXB is expected to receive 88.8 million passengers this year.


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