New year should make way for a new you
It’s that time of the year when we bring out our planners and vision boards, in the hope of creating a brighter and better year ahead. In these times of information overflow, there are plenty of ways to visualise and manifest. Authors like Louise Hay, Rhonda Byrne, and Wayne Dyer have written about the power of our thoughts and beliefs when it comes to creating our reality. More and more people are familiar with the universal Law of Attraction of like attracts like. Simply put, this means that when we align our thoughts, intentions and actions to create a solid foundation for abundance, we are sure to attract a similar positive vibe.
Manifestation is less of wishful thinking and more of techniques such as visualisations, affirmations and journalling (aka – actually doing the work).
Even if you don’t believe in making New Year Resolutions, you can always follow these simple steps to manifest your intention; be a it book you want to write or a project you want to take on.
1. Pick a goal
Keep in mind a goal that you deeply resonate with. Ask yourself: What do I truly want? How will this change benefit me? What makes this goal appealing to me?
2. Get down to the details
Narrow down on the specifics by journalling, meditating or even creating a vision board. You can follow the SMART Goals outline (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic and Time Specific) to get more clarity.
3. Positive self-talk
Once you have complete clarity on what you want, and you have understood the “why”, get down to the “how”. What are the first steps you can take? How will you define success of that step? What are the potential roadblocks and how do you intend to deal with then? Start the work and stay consistent.
4. Be your own cheerleader
When you consistently use positive language, you will find it easier to keep going. Stay grounded and keep believing in your ability to achieve. Recall and mentally celebrate past successes.
5. Create environmental cues and accountability partners
Cues in your environment include post-its, or your vision board, and little reminders like that, which keep pushing you forward. It’s also helpful if you have an accountability partner who lovingly supports your journey.
6. Track progress and celebrate
Monitor your efforts daily. Celebrate small victories. It’s the small steps that lead to the grand doorway.
Life is not always easy, but we must consistently push ourselves forward and motivate our spirits. We all deserve to be happy, and to have our intentions fulfilled. Think about it and work towards it. Have a wonderful 2024!