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Trade8 and its applied financial technology will provide clarity and transparency to financial transactions by regulating an efficient government and its economy.
Trade8 and its applied financial technology will provide clarity and transparency to financial transactions by regulating an efficient government and its economy.

EIGHT CORPORATION - www.8corp.org Eighth Corporation by TRADE8 aims to replace the traditional marketplace with smart technology

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Published: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 9:42 AM

Last updated: Mon 16 Mar 2020, 10:19 AM

Amin Namazi, Founder and CEO of Eighth Corporation, heads operations in the development of Financial Technology and its applications as a solution provider. He has accrued more than 15 years of experience in management executive leadership, business strategy, financial analysis, software development, technology engineering, and business operations. Recognising what entrepreneurs and small businesses need most now, he has committed himself fully to establishing the marketplace as tools they can use to grow and build their revenues. Namazi is a visionary leader who brings innovative mind into marketplace through the digital trade ecosystem.
Competitive prices for marketplace users
The Trade8 business module facilitates real-time trade between manufacturers, merchants and consumers by removing middlemen from the equation. It also removes regional and national banking borders between manufacturers and merchants as well as consumers, which makes it able to connect virtually through digital inventory sharing.
For the first time, TRADE8 made verified e-audited trade documents organised and available, such as credit history, financial statements, purchase orders, all trade contracts, complete audit trail of all transaction, and real time tax clearing and enrolment. Furthermore, as a result of blockchain, Supply Chain Finance (SCF) Marketplace is possible.
This is an important movement away from the traditional marketplace, several virtual markets and all its unnecessary costs and methods of payment process. It is all possible through Ethereum-based T8 crypto token.
A new proprietary tokenised payment with a digital form of e-trade is made possible due to crypto blockchain process using Microsoft ERP and CRM system integrated to core banking software and centralising the global inventory into digital marketplace by using the IOT devices over the LTE network in exchange of crypto value equalisation to various FIAT currencies depends on regional central banks momentum rates.
At a time when people can buy everything they need from one virtual location using their debit or credit cards or directly linking their bank accounts, it only makes sense that manufacturers and merchants should be able to conduct their business all in Trade8 too.
All-in-one digital platform for trade and commodity exchange
It ultimately takes the complexity out of these transactions, so that they can become more efficient. Removing middlemen from the equation, Trade8 is putting manufacturers and merchants in control of their respective businesses and opening outlets for their businesses and audiences for their products. The slow, slogging way of doing business in the traditional marketplace is a relic of past times and Trade8 is the smart cutting-edge replacement.
In addition to centralising transactions, it also emphasises artificial intelligence as a tool for automating the transactions. Though machine learning automates every process, examining all the data generated on the platform and then applying analytics-based algorithms to them in order to determine the most cost-effective and time efficient steps to take.
In 2014, global E-commerce sales amounted to roughly $1.3 trillion, while in 2021, they are projected to reach $4.8 trillion. That is growth by a factor of more than $3.5 trillion. For any single business, this level of growth would mean titanic shifts in the way that people think about the products that are on offer. For all global e-commerce to experience such growth, on the other hand, it is indicative of something even more historic. We are living during an unstoppable push toward greater efficiency, spearheaded by the universal movement of retail purchases online. [1]
The push for fintech
"The vision matters and we bring more lucidity into daily life of household consumers through affordable FinTech. If we investigate banking systems, there are many loopholes to improve and we see already more and to upgrade as a solution provider," said Namazi.
According to him, FinTech, combined to artificial intelligence, is the new era of efficient economic order. This new era of financial transaction is getting applied in developed countries and the less developed countries will follow this path of irreversible adjustment through their own timing.
"We are positioned in an era of internet technology where everything is moving faster. Our evolved system combined with artificial intelligence is the path to follow for any existing or new FinTech startup. I am bringing a new method into spot transactions by making the economy more efficient," he said.
In this regard, Trade8 and its applied financial technology will provide clarity and transparency to financial transactions by regulating an efficient government and its economy.
"We must realise that an efficient economy is the most important factor for any newly elected government and in this new era of time, I believe any economic irregularities would be sign of weakness for an entire nation and its ruling law government. The automated artificial intelligence that I have developed will bring back economic order and higher efficiency into any economy. The vision of an entrepreneur matters, and I identify myself into genius simplified systems that Elon Musk is developing by bringing comfort and added value to the daily life of humankind in our planet earth.
"Just like Elon Musk, I believe that we need to elevate the technology on our existing planet earth beyond what our mind can perceive by discovering, exploring and innovating novel ideas that can benefit humanity and trace a better future," he added.
Namazi have many projects for changing the way we live and seeks investors to implement his multi innovations into the global market.
For more info, visit www.trade8.io
[1]www.oberlo.com/statistics/global- ecommerce-sales

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