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Medcare Hospital Al Safa, Dubai offers24/7 cardiac emergency | Cardiac Catheterization Unit (Cath Lab) | Stress testTreadmill test | ECO & ECG | CT Coronary angiography
Medcare Hospital Al Safa, Dubai offers24/7 cardiac emergency | Cardiac Catheterization Unit (Cath Lab) | Stress testTreadmill test | ECO & ECG | CT Coronary angiography

With state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and expert specialists, Medcare’s Cardiology Department is fully equipped to provide an excellent and well-thought of service in the UAE

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Published: Thu 29 Sep 2022, 9:00 AM

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, causing a shocking 18 million deaths worldwide annually. Heart disease is the main cause of death from non-communicable diseases in the UAE.

While there is a lot of awareness about heart health now, it is quite easy to steer away from the do’s given our busy lifestyle. This can, in turn, lead to irreparable damage in some cases.

This World Heart Day, Medcare is spreading awareness about the dangers of cardiovascular disease. In the medical world, early detection and timely treatment make all the difference.

Medcare’s cardiology department specialises in the treatment of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, and congenital heart defects. Its leading cardiologists and cardiac surgeons use state-of-the-art technology to deliver only the best treatment. Latest technologies like intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) are used for both elective and urgent coronary angiography and angioplasty. The institute takes the time to use those new and advanced tools that enable specialists to perform mini ultrasound exams and live pressure monitoring inside of the vessels, leading to a better delineation of your blockages and hence a highly accurate and more durable treatment.

In most cases, patients have direct mobility and comfort after their surgery with procedures expertly performed under local anaesthesia. The top-class post-operative facilities, round the clock in-hospital doctors, cardiologists in Dubai and Sharjah, and support staff provide the comfort that you need to recover your health. Timely treatment increases the chances of a successful recovery which is why Medcare operates a 24/7 emergency cardiac care, fully equipped with the tools required to perform life-saving treatments.

Making quality care and treatment convenient and accessible to patients in Dubai and Sharjah, Medcare has a cutting-edge cardiology department in Medcare Hospital Al Safa in Dubai and Medcare Hospital Sharjah.

Medcare’s top tips for a healthy heart

  • Keep an eye on your blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Limit or cut out tobacco and hard drinks completely
  • If you’re overweight or obese, work towards a healthy body weight
  • Avoid high-sodium foods
  • Keep moving. Find an activity you enjoy and commit to moving regularly

Prevention is always better than cure. But when life gets in the way, Medcare is here for you and your loved ones. At Medcare, we’ll treat you well.

Prevention better than cure

Dr. Ghassan Nakad

Specialist Interventional Cardiologist, Medcare Hospital

Al Safa Dubai, sheds lights on the right diets and abstinences for a good heart

What is arrhythmia and what causes it?

Arrhythmia is a disturbance in the electrical condition system of the heart that presents as irregular heartbeat. It consists of several types that range from being totally benign to potentially life threatening, depending on the underlying condition.

Arrhythmias can be due to many reasons such as neurohormonal changes, physical or emotional stress, poor sleeping habits, caffeine or stimulants intake, and in serious cases, structural heart disease, poor heart function, or even heart attacks.

When is left main angioplasty performed?

The left main coronary is the main vessel in the heart and is responsible for the major blood supply to the heart muscle. It is the main artery that is affected by the narrowing and blockage due to ischemic heart disease. The left main disease was traditionally treated by open heart surgery but new techniques have made it possible to treat it with an angioplasty. Angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that includes the insertion of a coronary stent to clear the blockage and open the artery. Therefore, it is traditionally treated by open heart surgery. Recently new techniques and skills have made it possible to treat left main disease, in selected patients, by angioplasty. Angioplasty means inserting a coronary stent to open the occluded artery via a minimally invasive keyhole procedure, not requiring open heart surgery.This procedure can be performed when the blockage is occluding at least half of the artery. To ensure the safety of the patient, this complex procedure should only be performed by experienced surgeons in selected well-equipped centres.

Can you lay down some of the dietary restrictions that can ensure heart health?

As per the American College of Cardiology guidance, a healthy heart diet should mainly rely on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables (‘eat a rainbow of colours’), whole grain products, and non-tropical oils. The protein intake should preferentially be sourced from plants, seafood, low fat dairy products, and nuts. Processed foods, added sugars, and salt should be reduced. Saturated fats and trans fats should be decreased whereas monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats should be increased (eat more olive oils, seeds, avocados, fish) in your diet. A Mediterranean diet is an exemplary model in this prospect. And lastly, do not eat more calories than you spend.

What is meant by preventive cardiology approaches and how can they be incorporated into everyday life?

Preventive cardiology is basically trying to control the cardiac risk factors to prevent a heart attack, rather than reacting to it after it happens. This consists of controlling the blood pressure, high lipid levels, and diabetes, by means of diet control or medicines, if necessary. Otherwise, physical activity is extremely important, and it is recommended exercise at least for two and a half hours, weekly/per week. A healthy heart diet should be followed and abstinence from smoking is crucial. In short, preventive cardiology is achieved by discipline of the body and mind. It simply requires routine physical activity, eating well, and having a medical checkup once a year or more frequent by selected patients.

Beat the attack

Dr. Brajesh Mittal

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Medcare Hospital Al Safa Dubai, sheds light on the concerning signs to look out for

Can you name the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases?

It includes chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort (angina), shortness of breath; pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper belly area or back; pain, numbness, and weakness or coldness in the legs or arms if the blood vessels in those body areas are narrowed.

Men are more likely to have chest pain whereas women are more likely to have other symptoms along with chest discomfort, such as shortness of breath, nausea and extreme fatigue.

What can we do in our daily life to prevent the risk of heart disease?

Focus on the following modifiable risk factors: control of blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and cholesterol. One should stop smoking, do physical exercises, and maintain healthy dietary choices.

What is acute coronary syndrome and what are the signs to look out for it?

It is a sudden complete or near complete blockage of one of the coronary arteries or a major branch leading to marked fall in the blood supply of a segment of heart muscle. The sudden blockage occurs due to rupture of an existing cholesterol deposit with formation of a blood clot. In common words, acute coronary syndrome is a heart attack.

What is invasive cardiovascular angiography and intervention and when is it performed?

It is a catheter-based assessment of coronary arteries (known as coronary angiography), or brain arteries (known as cerebral angiography), or limb arteries (known as peripheral angiography). When a procedure is done to open any blockage e.g. balloon/ stent placement – then it is called interventional therapy.

What is echo cardiography and what does it measure?

Echo cardiography is the ultrasound-based assessment of heart done from outside using ultrasonic probe much like the ultrasound of any other body part. Echocardiography is a very useful, simple, non-invasive test, which can give accurate information regarding the size of the heart, pumping function, heart valve abnormalities, etc. Combined with Doppler, it also gives accurate information about the flow patterns of the valves like a narrowed valve or leaking valves.

What role does treadmill test play in diagnosis?

This is supervised exercise testing on a treadmill machine; with simultaneous ECG recording. If there is any significant narrowing of any single or multiple coronary arteries; patient may get symptoms like chest pain on exercise and ECG may show (OR) will show changes suggestive of blockage.

What is CCU observation, monitoring and supervision and what is it used for?

CCU stands for Cardiac Care Unit (in some centers it is referred for Critical Care Unit). The critical cardiac patients are put in the CCU for constant and close monitoring of vital functions, administration of oral/ IV medicines, oxygen, and taking prompt action if patient becomes serious or deteriorates. A specialised physician and supportive trained nurses are available round the clock. Here the patient is connected to monitors, which continuously display heart rate, ECG, BP, oxygen saturation, etc.

What is diagnostic cardiac catheterization?

Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is a generic term for catheter based assessment of coronary/other arteries; checking heart pumping, pressures inside the various heart chambers. Left-sided heart is assessed by advancing a catheter through an artery and right-sided catheterization is done by advancing it through a major vein of the body.

When is pacemaker implantation done?

A pacemaker is a miniature device which generates current and sends to the heart by electrical wires (known as pacemaker leads). A pacemaker is placed when the heart is unable to generate its electrical electrical currents that are necessary to make the heart pump. A temporary (outside the body) pacemaker is placed if the defect is either short lived or as an emergency. A permanent pacemaker is put in the upper left chest under the skin tissue and is connected to leads placed inside the heart.

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