Highlights: Modi greets Indians on Independence Day

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Highlights: Modi greets Indians on Independence Day

New Delhi - Modi unfurled the national flag at the Red Fort to mark India's Independence Day


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Published: Tue 15 Aug 2017, 7:04 AM

Last updated: Wed 16 Aug 2017, 9:12 AM

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday greeted the nation, delivering his fourth Independence Day speech from the Red Fort.
Modi's speech from the Red Fort here on Independence Day was his shortest so far in the last four years.
During his last Mann Ki Baat - a monthly radio programme, Modi said he had received letters from people complaining that his Independence Day speeches were "a little too long".
Modi in his July Mann Ki Baat address had promised to keep his Independence Day speech short.
Living up to his promise, Modi spoke for over 54 minutes, which was shortest since 2014. He spoke for over 65 minutes in 2014, 86 minutes in 2015 and 94 minutes in 2016.

Here are the latest updates:

Modi commends women fighting Triple Talaq

Modi praised women battling the system of Triple Talaq and said the entire country supports them.
"I pay my respects to those women who had to lead miserable lives due to Triple Talaq and then started a movement which created an environment in the whole nation against the practice," Modi said in his speech on the occasion of Independence Day.
The Prime Minister said he respected all these women. "I want to tell them that they will succeed as the whole country supports them in this significant step towards women's empowerment."

Fight against corruption will go on'

India's battle against corruption and black money will go on, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday.
The Prime Minister was addressing the nation from the Red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day.
"There will be no space to loot in the country... Our fight against corruption and black money will go on," Modi said.

'Three lakh shell companies uncovered'

More than three lakh "shell companies" set up to facilitate generation of black money have been unearthed by the government, Modi said.
"The drive against black money has led to the discovery of many shell companies. Following demonetisation, over three lakh companies have been found which are nothing but shell companies," Modi said in his speech here on the occasion of Independence Day.
"Of these, the registrations of 175,000 companies have been cancelled," he said.
Highlighting the enormity of the black money menace, Modi said up to 400 bogus firms were found to be operating from a single address.
Last week, stock markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed trade restrictions on 331 firms suspected of being shell companies.
These securities were placed in suspended animation, implying that trade in these stocks will be permitted only once a month.

'Government nurturing youth to be job creators'

Modi said his government is nurturing youngsters to become job creators and not job-seekers.
Addressing the nation from the Red Fort on Independence Day, Modi said: "Change in demand and technology is changing the nature of jobs."
"We are nurturing our youngsters to be job creators and not job-seekers," he said.
He also said under the Mudra Scheme many people across the nation have benefited as the government has provided them loans without asking for any guaranty.

'2018 crucial for those born in 21st century'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that those born in the 21st century will decide the future of the nation and the year 2018 would be crucial for them in that quest.
"The year 2018 is significant for those born in the 21st century," Modi said in his speech here on the occasion of Independence Day.
He said that from January 1, 2018, the millenials would start turning 18 and will then decide the future of the 21st century and shape the vision of a "new India".
"So I invite them to take this opportunity to shape the fuure of the nation and participate in India's development."
The Prime Minister added that through collective efforts, sacrifice and commitment of 125 crore Indians, especially the younger generation, a new India would be created which is secure, prosperous and powerful, and where all Indians are equal.
"With firm commitment towards a better and brighter India, we have to move on from disappointment. We have to move on from 'chalta hai' attitude towards 'badal raha hai' and 'badal sakta hai' attitude," Modi said. He said with that confidence, the 125 crore Indians will collectively change the nation for the better.

'India is about peace, unity and amity'

In an obvious attack on cow vigilantes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said violence in the name of one's values was unacceptable.
"Violence in the name of one's belief is not something to be happy about. It will not be accepted in India. India is about peace, unity and amity. Casteism and communalism will not help us," he said in his Independence Day speech from the Red Fort here.
Modi added:"The poison of casteism and communalism can never be beneficial for our nation and should not be endorsed."

'Many countries helping India in war against terror'

Many countries are actively helping India in the war against terror, Modi said.
Addressing the nation from the Red Fort on India's Independence Day, Modi thanked these countries but did not name them.
"India's stature in the world is rising. The world is with us in fighting the menace of terrorism. I thank all the countries actively helping us," he said.

'Those who plundered nation have lost sleep'

Modi said those who have looted the nation and the poor are now not able to sleep peacefully.
Addressing the nation from the Red Fort on Independence Day, he also said that those who own "benami" properties were facing difficult times.
"Soon after the Benami Act was implemented, the government has seized benami properties worth Rs 800 crore," he said.
He said his government had implemented the demand for One Rank One Pension (OROP) for military personnel after it had been kept pending for 30-40 years.

'Surgical strike proved India's strength'

The surgical strike on terrorist launch pads in Pakistani territory proved to the world India's strength, Modi said.
Praising the armed forces on the occasion of Independence day, Modi said: "In free India it is very important to protect the country. The surgical strike was a proof to the world about India's strength."
Modi said every soldier, irrespective of whether he was in the Army, Navy or Air Force, was contributing to the country.
"Our soldiers have stood against everything that is against the country such as infiltrators, militants... The world has seen our strength."

PM says 2017 special, urges creation of New India

Modi termed 2017 a special year and urged to take the country ahead with determination to create a "New India".
"This is a special year. This year we are celebrating 75th anniversary of the Quit India Movement, 100th anniversary of Champaran Satyagraha and 125th anniversary of Ganesh Utsav," the Prime Minister said while addressing the nation from the Red Fort on the 71st Independence Day.
"We have to take the country ahead with the determination for creating a New India," he added.
Recalling the combined efforts made between 1942 and 1947 to gain freedom, the Prime Minister appealed to the citizens to show similar power, effort and determination for the next five years to help the country progress.

'Only love can resolve Kashmir's problems'

Only love and not bullets or abuse can help resolve the dragging problem in Jammu and Kashmir, Modi said.
"We are committed for the development of Jammu and Kashmir and this is also the resolve of every Indian," the Prime Minister said in his Independence Day speech from the Red Fort here.
Modi said the separatist campaign in the state cannot be resolved by "gaali se" (abuse) or "goli se" (bullet) but by embracing every Kashmiri.
But Modi made it clear that there would be no let up while dealing with the separatists.
At the same, he appealed to the terrorists to join the mainstream. "You have every right to make your voices heard in Indian democracy."

'Many countries actively helping India against terror'

Many countries are actively helping India in the war against terror, Modi said.
Addressing the nation here on India's Independence Day, the Prime Minister thanked these countries but without naming them.

Modi mourns children's deaths in Gorakhpur

Modi mourned the deaths of children in a Gorakhpur hospital in Uttar Pradesh as he spoke about the challenges of natural calamities.
"Sometimes natural calamities become a challenge," Modi said in his speech here on the occasion of Independence Day.
"Good rains help the country to flourish," he said, quickly adding that climate change had led to conditions which had affected many parts of the country.
The Prime Minister also referred to the deaths of over 60 children in the Gorakhpur hospital.
"People of India stand shoulder to shoulder with those affected due to natural disasters and the tragedy in Gorakhpur," Modi added.

Modi hoists national flag at Red Fort

Modi unfurled the national flag at the Red Fort to mark India's Independence Day.
Modi, who reached the 17th century monument to give his customary Independence Day speech, was received by Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre and Defence Secretary Sanjay Mitra.
Later, he received a Guard of Honour from a contingent of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Delhi Police.
The Prime Minister then unfurled the national flag amid a 21 gun salute.

PM greets nation on Independence Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday greeted the nation on India's Independence Day as well as Janmashtami.
"Independence Day greetings to my fellow Indians. Jai Hind," Modi tweeted. "Greetings on Janmashtami," he added.

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