Pakistan: 10 killed as gunmen open fire on bus

The shooting caused the vehicle to crash into an oncoming truck and catch fire


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Published: Sun 3 Dec 2023, 4:13 PM

Last updated: Mon 4 Dec 2023, 2:39 PM

Ten people, including two off-duty army personnel, were killed when gunmen opened fire on a bus travelling through northern Pakistan, causing it to crash into an oncoming truck and catch fire, officials said Sunday.

The bus was attacked at around 6.30pm local time on Saturday from both sides by at least five militants.

"Following the firing, the bus lost control and collided with an oncoming truck. Subsequently, both vehicles caught fire. Among the casualties are both drivers," said Arif Ahmed Khan, a senior government official for the district.

Two army troops who were taking leave were among those killed, while 25 others were wounded.

The attack happened near Chilas in Gilgit-Baltistan, along the Karakoram Highway that connects the capital Islamabad to the mountainous north and China, tracing one of the many paths of the ancient Silk Road.

The bus was travelling south to the garrison city of Rawalpindi, which neighbours the capital.

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