Winning letter: The millennial conundrum

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Winning letter: The millennial conundrum

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Published: Fri 7 Apr 2017, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 7 Apr 2017, 2:00 AM

Being a youngster - or, more importantly, a millennial - I completely agree with the views of the interviewees in last week's article Are millennials in the UAE living beyond their means? (Mar 31).
There is immense pressure to portray oneself in a certain manner in this region, especially if one holds a particular title or position. I think this is in stark contrast to the previous generation. Earlier, people were taught to fear the 'unpredictable future' and so saving was an important part of their lifestyle. However, today's generation focuses more on living in the moment. While, earlier, there were long-term happiness goals, today, it's about instant gratification.
That being said, I think it is also a choice that one makes. People are becoming informed about different lifestyles, thanks to global connectivity, and they are able to seek out the kind that suits them. For example, individuals can be inspired by minimalistic styles and follow in the footsteps of personalities like Zuckerberg. However, there are always those who can't resist the urge to fling their credit cards at every store counter. It's up to us to decide which path we want to take.
Yashawini Agarwal, by email

» Waste not, want not
When you walk through the glittering displays in malls, you're automatically attracted to the charming things presented there. But start shopping and you can easily spend half your salary at one go. I assume this is the issue faced by many millennials in the region today (Are millennials in the UAE living beyond their means?, Mar 31).
As a mother, I know the importance of saving money for the future generation as well as teaching the future generation why they need to save. You can easily survive anywhere in Dubai if you keep a cap on your spending. But don't forget to enjoy life a little at the same time. Balance is the key to a happy life in this country.
Pallavi Kapoor, by email

» Food fixation
Food photography is the latest mania, with every social media channel being flooded with images of delectable dishes. And it's way too easy to jump onto the bandwagon. As the article Art on your plate (Mar 31) so aptly described, people whipping out their phones when served a dish is now a common phenomenon. The whole article reminded me of a quote by photographer Doug Bartlow: "No matter how sophisticated the camera, the photographer is still the one that makes the picture". Bon appetit. but wait, a picture first!
Valiny Rodrigues, by email

» The serenity of solitude
I used to think taking time out for myself was selfish. But by trying to fit into the mould of a supporting wife, doting mother, ideal employee, loyal friend and a sociable family member, I had no time for myself. Juggling all those roles started to take a toll on me. It was then that I realised the benefit of solitude (Solitary Splendour, Mar 31). Many of us are uncomfortable with the idea of being alone as we equate it with loneliness. But savouring 'me-time'  enhances one's overall well-being. So, learn to cherish the quiet moments and enjoy your own company. There's no better way to get to know yourself.
Jayashree Kulkarni, by email

» Living in a non-veg world
I'm glad that last week's food reviewer was only 90 per cent vegetarian (What happens when a vegetarian visits a steak house?, Mar 31). As a pure vegetarian, eating out is no simple thing, and I have to check everything I buy - even biscuits, as they may contain eggs. On a visit to Hong Kong last year, my wife and I weren't able to have ice cream as it contained animal fat. Isn't that shocking?
Mankesh Walia, by email

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