'My biggest fear is to stop doing what I love': Anastasiya Golovatenko


My biggest fear is to stop doing what I love: Anastasiya Golovatenko

Published: Thu 13 Feb 2020, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 23 Feb 2020, 8:54 AM

What is your best childhood memory?
Spending days at our family country house kindling a wood fire is something that makes my heart melt. Reminiscing about those days, I realise how simple our living was but how immensely happy we were. It is rightly said, 'It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life, that matters.'
If you could move anywhere in the world, what place would that be?
I would love to explore the whole of UAE, actually. This country has so much to offer, especially for a person who loves to be out and about like me. You can witness a completely cosmopolitan spirit, with super-friendly locals embracing expats. Fun activities happen all year around, not restricted to one sector or age group. Almost anyone can find forums/groups that host activities of interest. And since it is a melting pot of different nationalities, you get to interact with people from different cultures, mindsets and that's what expands your horizons. No wonder, after living in the UAE, people start considering this place their home.
The biggest learning point or experience in your life.
I read somewhere that 'attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'. When I started to apply this principle in my life and strived to be humble and positive, I could witness things starting to turn out in my favour and this made me a staunch believer.
What is the one skill you'd love to learn, and why?
Train my mind to be able to let go of situations that are beyond my control, focus on the positives and move on to the next thing.
What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
Be present and live every moment of your life. Plan and strive for what you want to achieve but, at the same time, live in the present and enjoy the journey. Notice and appreciate the ones who are a part of your life in any manner or form.
If you could go back to any era in time or witness any major event in history, which one would it be, and why?
To visit the 'lost' city of Atlantis and absorb the wisdom that could bring world peace and stop them from making the biggest mistake in their life by getting corrupted and misusing the powers that they had.
Your greatest fear.
To stop doing what I love. To do something that has no positive impact or contribution in people' life.
If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day, who would it be and why?
My mother. She has been such an inspiration to me since I was a child. I would want to experience the magical skill she has to be happy and grateful in all the situations and obstacles life has awarded her with.
Favourite movie character of all time - and why.
Sherlock Holmes, any day! He taught me to be observant of my surroundings, appreciate different perspectives, have no preconceived notions, have a fantastic logical reasoning for your actions, and tackle problems with a blank mind.
If you were President of your country, what is the first thing you'd do?
The first thing I would do is work on nation branding and enhance its unique identity. I know it's such a cliché thing to say, but I am a PR person and it runs in my blood!
- Staff reporter

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