The Dubai Police have arrested a motorist who was allegedly involved in stunt driving in a gas station in Al Aweer area after the video of his action went viral on social media. The video showed him driving his four-wheel Nissan Patrol on two wheels at a gas station taking speedy U-turns close to the fuel supplying machines, endangering the life of himself and others. Colonel Saif Muhair, Director of the General Department of Traffic of the Dubai Police, said that the traffic department had confiscated the vehicle involved in the stunt-driving and a criminal case had been registered against the driver for endangering the lives of others. The vehicle was about to hit the fuel supplying machines, which could have caused a huge disaster. The officer said despite the police taking strict action including imposing fines and seizure of vehicles against reckless drivers, some of them continue the habit, endangering the life of other road users. The incident happened only a few days after a similar one when an Emirati driver performed stunt driving on the street in another GCC country, in which the Abu Dhabi Police have taken action against the driver. Colonel Saif Muhair said the Dubai Police traffic patrols managed to find the man after the video of the gas station stunt went viral on social media. In another incident, the police identified the driver in a video titled "Insane Car Flip Prank" as popular Russian-born American prankster and comedian Vitaly Zdorovetskiy, better known by his YouTube username VitalyzdTv. The police managed to identify the car which was driven in another emirate and contacted the concerned department to take action. The father of the driver rendered an apology and the car has been handed over to him. He said despite continuous campaigns all over the year against stunt driving and traffic violations, many young drivers continue to do racing and stunt driving on roads, causing chaos and putting the lives of road users at risk. He also warned that the Dubai Police will not allow such acts and will take stringent action against violators.