Check car tyres, air conditioner: UAE experts urge residents to prepare for summer heat

'With temperatures soaring, several aspects of your vehicle need attention,' an expert said to Khaleej Times


SM Ayaz Zakir

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Published: Fri 24 May 2024, 8:54 PM

Last updated: Fri 24 May 2024, 11:02 PM

In the coming weeks, the temperature in UAE is set to go beyond 44ºC in UAE, according to the National Centre of Meteorology.

Automobile experts in UAE have advised residents to prepare for the upcoming seasonal heat to ensure that they can drive safely.

“With temperatures soaring, several aspects of your vehicle need attention, including the air conditioning system, tires, and electronic components,” said Sony Rajappan, an auto expert at Car Lynx based in Al Quoz.

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Experts said that the air conditioning system should be serviced before the onset of summer. “A fully functional air conditioning system is vital for comfort during hot summer days. Ensure your AC system is running efficiently by checking the refrigerant levels. Any damage or leaks in the compressor and condenser should be repaired promptly. The cabin air filter should be replaced, as a clogged filter can reduce airflow and strain the system,” said Rajappan.

One of the main checks to be done is for the tyres as they are crucial for safety and performance in the heat, experts said.

Mohammed Shafiq, head of the mechanical department at Kari Auto Works, said that monitoring tyre pressure once-a-month is very important during the summer. “Hotter weather can cause tyre pressure to increase, leading to over-inflation. Check and adjust tyre pressure regularly. Ensure your tyres have sufficient tread depth to maintain grip on hot, slick roads,” said Shafiq.

Experts also highlighted that high temperatures could affect your car’s electronic systems. “Ensure these components are in top shape,” said Rajappan.

“One should get the battery tested as heat can accelerate its fluid evaporation, leading to decreased performance. Check for corrosion and ensure a secure connection. Inspection of electrical wires is also very important. Look for any signs of wear or damage that could worsen with heat exposure,” added Rajappan.

Experts also highlighted that residents should check their cooling system by ensuring the radiator and cooling fans are working correctly to prevent overheating.

“Check and top off all fluids, including engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and wind-shield washer fluid,” said Shafiq.

“Summer storms can reduce visibility. Ensure your wiper blades are in good condition and replace them, if necessary,” added Shafiq.

Automobile experts said that preparing your car for summer not only enhances performance and comfort but also ensures safety on the road. “Don’t wait until the heatwave hits — schedule a maintenance check with your trusted mechanic today,” said Rajappan.


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