KT edit: Hope in Yemen

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Published: Mon 21 Dec 2020, 1:24 PM

Peace is being given a chance in Yemen. The implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and the formation of a new government by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi is a significant turning point which gives hope that the long-running crisis could finally end. The 24-member government, led by previous prime minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, is in line with a power-sharing deal mediated by Saudi Arabia, representing the country’s north and south. The government is unified against the Houthis, who have been squarely responsible for the years’ long conflict and plunging much of the country into chaos.

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The challenge now would be to see how this positive momentum gained is sustained and turned into a lasting political settlement. The new government is already sharing power, which is a healthy sign. Going forward, it will be important to ensure that Houthis agree to a permanent ceasefire. Yemen can be rebuilt. It has the support of GCC countries, led by Saudi Arabia, which is keen to help in the process. Prolonging stability in Yemen is also key before regional trade is revitalised and a new era of cooperation is ushered by the neighbours. Ending the conflict in Yemen will save lives and allow stability in the region. It is in everyone’s interest.

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