UAE: Are you among 66% of men suffering from early hair loss?

Losing over 75 strands daily could be an early sign of health issues, warn experts


SM Ayaz Zakir

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Image used for illustrative purpose. Photo: AFP file
Image used for illustrative purpose. Photo: AFP file

Published: Thu 23 May 2024, 6:05 PM

Last updated: Thu 23 May 2024, 10:35 PM

Healthcare experts have raised alarms about hair loss, a condition that is affecting hundreds and thousands of residents in the UAE. According to doctors, losing over 75 hair strands daily could be an early sign of hair loss and health issues.

Dr C Vijay Krishna, specialist, Centre for Dermatology and Cosmetology, Thumbay University Hospital, explains that it is normal to lose between 50 strands of hair daily.

“People lose about 50-75 strands of hair per day. But when a person loses about 75 to 100 strands, it can be an early sign of hair loss and may indicate a problem,” said Dr Krishna, adding that this increased hair loss can often be observed during activities such as combing or showering.

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Dr Iman Salah Youssef El- Habyan, specialist, dermatology at Zulekha Hospital Dubai, nearly 66 percent of men suffer from hair loss in the UAE. “Two out of three men suffer from hair loss in the UAE and the alarming part is that they are mostly under 30 years of age. In women, hair loss problems start with puberty and increase over time,” said Dr Iman.

“Hair goes through a natural cycle of growth, rest, and shedding. However, when the shedding phase accelerates, it can lead to noticeable thinning and bald spots,” Dr Iman added.

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss prevalence varies among different age groups in the UAE. Doctors say that the most common cause of hair loss in children in the UAE include certain infections and vitamin deficiencies, as well as autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata. “Conversely, adults commonly experience hair loss due to stress, genetics (known as androgenic alopecia), internal medical issues such as thyroid disorders and diabetes, lifestyle factors, and recent illnesses,” said Dr Krishna.

“On average, I see over 100 patients per month, encompassing both men and women, who present with various degrees of hair complaints, including hair fall, breakage, and other related issues,” said Dr Krishna adding that there has been an apparent increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for hair fall concerns.

According to Dr Iman, there are many other factors affecting individuals, and “the most common cause is the social and psychological concerns which attributes 82 percent of the patients in my clinic.”

Treatment options

Doctors say that the treatment options for hair loss depend largely on the underlying cause. If hair loss is due to nutritional deficiencies, correcting the deficiency through dietary changes or supplements is the primary treatment. “Common deficiencies include iron, vitamin D, and biotin. Supplementation can effectively restore hair growth, but it must be tailored to individual needs and monitored for potential side effects,” said Dr Krishna.

“For genetic hair loss treatments, include minoxidil, finasteride, stem cell therapy, and hair transplants,” added Dr Krishna.

However, there are other alternatives to control hair loss which translates to reducing stress.

“Mild exercise like running or yoga has been shown to improve your feel and decrease stress, which may help in controlling hair loss. Good chemicals like oxytocin and endorphins will help boost blood circulation to your scalp,” said Dr Iman.


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