Dear Therapist: 'I am sick and tired of having problematic skin'

By Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 1 Apr 2021, 5:59 PM

I have been dealing with acne problems for a decade or so and just can’t take it anymore. I am tired of looking at blemish-free faces all around me and online, with everyone flaunting their perfect skin. I have consulted dermatologists and even taken medication for it but nothing has been a permanent fix. Each time it goes away, I feel better and confident about how I look, but the acne comes back soon after. I start feeling low about myself. It’s been a constant battle and I feel my happiness has become dependent on this. I feel helpless. — Name Withheld


I feel for you about your ongoing struggle with facial acne. I can only imagine what a disappointment it must be to see it reappear over and over again.


It is not a good idea to compare yourself to other people, especially to digital images that are very often manipulated with filters and Photoshop. When you say people are flaunting their perfect skin, I sense how angry and frustrated you are. Please keep in mind that acne is relatively common and that clear-skinned people often have their own unique worries and concerns about their appearance.

The most important thing is that you learn to love and accept yourself just the way you are. Your self-worth is not based on the appearance of your skin. You are so much more than that. Please do not let the acne steal your happiness. There are so many things to enjoy and experience with loved ones and friends who value you for who you are.

Since you have had treatment success, you can remain hopeful that a dermatologist will find a consistent treatment regimen to keep the acne at bay. Especially in the field of cosmetic dermatology, there are advances in new treatment approaches. So, I’m confident that you’ll be able to find a suitable cure for it.

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Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 1 Apr 2021, 5:59 PM

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