More than thousand students from The English Language School join hands to save the life of eight-year-old boy.
It’s not everyday one can find students from one school help a fellow student from another school. But, that was exactly what happened on Wednesday morning at The English Language School (ELS) in Dubai.
More than a thousand students from the school joined hands to collect money for Ali Altaf, an eight-year old student suffering from Leukaemia. ELS students got together to host a carnival and raise funds for the victim, who happened to be a student at another school.
“The students’ council wanted a focus event for the end of the semester. The school’s ex-headboy drew attention to the plight of a young boy, Ali, who is suffering from Leukaemia. This year’s fun carnival was dedicated to raise funds for Ali and help in his fight against cancer,” said Ratan Paul Midha, Principal of the school.
Saad Saqlain, a former student at the school spearheaded the carnival by calling the ELS student council to act in support of the cause. In less than 36 hours, the students put together a carnival and collected Dh10,500 for Ali. The money will be handed over to Ali’s family over the weekend.
Students collected money by hosting various games and activities at the school premises. Small contributions by teachers, parents and students helped in raising the amount, which reflected a sense of belonging towards the cause and pain of other people.