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For the week ending October 24

By Milton Black

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Published: Fri 18 Oct 2013, 5:01 PM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:34 PM

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Remember you don’t know everything but push ahead with your dreams. You are right on track with progress — others will assist you, if you ask. Be careful of tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs or unresolved emotional tangles that are likely to arise now. Necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part is a must now if you wish to keep the peace. A side of you, which is usually hidden or in the background, is likely to emerge at this time, and this may be positive or negative. Your need for love and approval is heightened and social gatherings and personal relationships are favoured. Keep account of your finances — you may find yourself spending more than you can afford. Watch your diet.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

An emotional complication can be expected but it will be easily solved. A communication may surprise you concerning a job opportunity so grab everything that comes your way as this is a lucky week for career. Productive financial trends are forecast. A romantic dinner for two will solve any pending emotional problems that you have and your spiritual and religious development is also strong at this time. Your mind is inclined towards broad, speculative issues rather than detailed, scientific study now. Politics, economics, psychology, religion and any other area that is broad in scope and not completely amenable to scientific analysis appeals to you now. You are more philosophical and likely to feel clearer about issues of a philosophical and religious nature. An email may have you wondering...

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your enthusiasm and zest for living are very high right now. This is a positive time when you express your feelings openly. You feel alive and interested in the world about you and your love relationships are exciting and harmonious. You will be eager to spread your wings, and this is a good time to travel, especially to places you’ve never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favoured at this time as your ability to understand abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is quite strong. Anything that broadens your horizons will appeal to you at this time and you will find yourself far more interested in the big picture while paying less attention and interest to details. Finances receive a boost.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You may get carried away with grandeur; your thoughts are dreamy, fantastic, and faraway right now. Your imagination and intuition are heightened, which benefits any creative or artistic work you may do. This is an excellent time for writing, painting, sculpture or handiwork. However, your practical reasoning ability and your ability to focus on the here-and-now is a little diminished. Your judgment regarding concrete matters is also a bit fuzzy at this time, so you may wish to delay making important decisions. In short, you must not try to hold the reins too tightly — experiment, explore and loosen up. Actually, this time period is usually not an easy one but positive, exciting changes are also possible. Avoid any spendthrift tendencies. Romance may have a touch of fantasy attached to it.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You may be inclined to be impulsive in your actions and attitudes around others. Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in you emerges, and you can be excessively willful or domineering about doing what you want to. You may battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious power struggle may ensue. Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. You are likely to push yourself much too hard. A strange situation may occur on the home front so be wary of breaking commitments or promises to others. Pay attention when checking bank statements — you may miss something important.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Don’t go overboard with expectation; you may not realise that others are not at your beck and call. If you need extra assistance ask or delegate jobs to give yourself more free time for more important tasks in your routine. There is a friendly, cooperative, harmonious tone to the interactions you have now. It is a good time for social activities. You may avoid heavy discussions and do not want to focus on dry, practical matters. Reading light fiction, watching a good romantic comedy, or simply sharing a pleasant time with someone you like is more in tune with your feelings now. This is an excellent time to be out and about or to involve yourself in your favourite sport.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

The emphasis now is on long-range financial planning, thinking about your future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly and concentrate on complex mental work or to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organise your affairs and also seek professional advice about your concerns. Joint interests are in for a change: you may wish to break a business partnership, or expand with another. You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Loving relationships, giving and receiving affection and attracting people into your life who are good for you are superb at this time. Discovery, inventiveness and spontaneity are major themes now. Enjoy your week.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

An excellent week to concentrate on your work and service roles with others, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual. This is a good time to tackle mundane chores and practical business. Family and romantic issues should now be addressed. Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure is strong now and you act on feelings and creative impulses more readily than usual. Financial changes are favoured and this is a positive week to talk to bankers about a personal loan or extending credit.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

This is a week for kicking up your feet, getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the ordinary that is stimulating 
and fun. You may meet interesting new people and are more open to those who are quite different from you. You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have 
a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited 
debate or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly. An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived. Your finances are flush right now, with a little spare cash at the ready.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

You may be rushed off your feet this week with so many things to do and so little time to do it. 
A busy time communicating and getting in touch with others is also very likely around this time. Numerous phone calls, letters, meetings, errands or discussions bring you into positive contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with your bosses, share ideas, and come to a group consensus about an important issue. You are able to speak very clearly, convincingly and 
forcefully now, so that there is no mistaking what your views and opinions are. You can also argue a good case, make a very persuasive presentation or successfully challenge someone whose ideas do not agree with your own. Your mind is sharp and your responses quick. This week offers success for you in many ways.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Contentment, emotional wellbeing and harmony prevail in both your personal and business relationships this week. This is a great time for you to relax and indulge in your fun, pleasure-loving and social side. You are unlikely to be forceful and wish to make things happen according to your desires — instead, you are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you for the rest. Luck seems to attend to you when you need it most — and you may be at 
the right place at the right time when good fortune is shared out. You feel quite amorous and affectionate right now and will very much want to share this time with someone you love — or at the very least, with congenial company. Also, travel for business or pleasure brings about a secure and happy time for you right now.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

New plans, projects and taking a renewed interest in home affairs will leave you with little time to socialise this week. Take care so that you avoid stress, get plenty of sleep and eat properly. A lucky break may have you one step ahead of your opposition. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time. Love and romance may have you on cloud number nine right now — and a certain proposition will be too good to miss. There are significant opportunities to make connections, exchange information and to learn something through a meeting or chance encounter. A job change or added responsibility is in the offing. A visit to the dentist or a medical practitioner may be on your agenda right now. Money comes and goes in large amounts.

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