JAMIL called on the Khaleej Times hotline and complained against shortage of parking space in Dubai Internet City.
“I run a company in DIC and I have many people working with me. Everyday, we all face a hard time finding parking. We complain to the DIC but it says that it’s not their problem,” he said.
He also said that if a car is parked wrongly, then the police are called and a fine is slapped but nothing is done to find a solution.
OFFICIALS at Dubai’s Road and Transport Authority, which has taken over the responsibility from Dubai Municipality a few months ago, pointed out that steps are being taken to make things easier for motorists, on the road and off it.
Recently the RTA announced plans to construct as many as seven multi-storey car parks in various parts of the CBDs as a major initiative to increase the parking capacity of the city.
An official pointed out that a problem of this magnitude cannot be solved overnight and people will have to bear with the situation till solutions are fully implemented.
A MOTHER said she is at a complete loss for her child’s admission in KG I this academic year because her daughter has fallen short by one day to meet the minimum age criteria set by the Ministry of Education to enrol into KG I during the current year.
The mother was refused admission by a school in Ajman and asked to seek the ministry’s approval in the case. She has been running between the ministry and the school and has failed to get any solution to the issue so far. How can the ministry rules be so rigid forcing a child to wait for one whole year to meet the enrolment criteria in KG I. Her daughter’s date of birth is October 16 and as per the ministry rules, the child should be three plus as of October 15, the mother complained.
THE school when contacted said they are only abiding by the ministry’s rules. The principal of Ajman Modern School, who had refused admission to the child because of non-compliance of the age factor, explained they will try and help the child for admission to the school.
However, as per the ministry’s rules, the child applying for admission to KG I this academic year should be three years or more as of October 15. In some cases, the ministry can reconsider the case, the principal said, promising to extend all assistance to the parents.