DUBAI — An accountant who had always longed to start his own business had his dreams come true by winning the million-dirham jackpot at the MashreqMillionaire draw held on September 20, 2005. Agum Parshad, 43, plans to start a rent-a-car business, which he strongly feels is a lucrative venture given Dubai’s rapid growth.
“I am ecstatic, though this is not the first time I have won with Mashreqbank; I won Dh1,000 three years ago. I have been investing in MashreqMillionaire for eight years now and I am glad that it has paid off dividends,” he said.
With his prize money, Parshad also intends to contemplate better educational options for his two children. “I always wanted my children to have the best education and this prize will definitely assist with this. And when my business grows, it will help fulfil my deep desire to own a big house back home in India,” added Parshad.