What the stars have in store for you (18 - 24 October)

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What the stars have in store for you (18 - 24 October)

Published: Fri 18 Oct 2019, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 18 Oct 2019, 2:00 AM

(March 21 to April 20)
No monetary gains can be foreseen. However, you will be able to save satisfactorily. Be careful in your dealings with financial institutions. Plan your budget carefully and cut out unnecessary expenditures. Focus on the details of investments or anything related to home, land and property. You will perform well at work and will feel comfortable with your position. Lucky Day: Thursday; Lucky Colour: Blue
(April 21 to May 20)
It's time to step back and appreciate good things about your job. You need to learn new things in order to handle complex tasks. Freelancers will get some gainful projects. No major expense will upset your financial planning this week. Be satisfied with your regular income. Married couples may face discord. However, there is nothing to worry as this can be taken care of easily. Lucky Day: Monday; Lucky Colour: White
(May 21 to June 20)
This can be a big week for you. Opportunities are everywhere and may even sweep you off your feet. There might be some missed opportunities and unpromising future growth prospects. Don't be upset and remain motivated to do your best. You may incur major expenditures and need to dig into your savings for the time being. Plan to increase your income. Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: Violet
(June 21 to July 22)
Luck is on your side. Cheerfulness abounds the first half of the week. An encouraging monetary opportunity will come your way. Professional life will be great. You will feel good and work with full dedication. Your family will need some of your time and attention. Healthwise, there's nothing you need to worry about. Minor ailments can be treated. Lucky Day: Saturday; Lucky Colour: Orange
(July 23 to August 22)
Take care of your health as you might fall ill. Don't take your health for granted. You need to remain cautious and notice symptoms. Your career goals may seem unreachable right now. Treat all tricky situations with care. Finances needs to be handled in a very organised way. Be cautious in matters related to finance and cut down all unnecessary expenses. Lucky Day: Tuesday; Lucky Colour: Yellow
(August 23 to September 22)
Some health issues may demand your attention. Find ways to keep your spirits high. Businesses that deal with government-controlled institutions will benefit this week. However, short travels will not present desired results. If
you are looking for jobs, success is assured. Remain careful with monetary transactions and avoid unethical means to earn more money. Lucky Day: Wednesday; Lucky Colour: Brown
(September 23 to October 22)
You'll be very busy at work. Maintain a cordial relationship with peers as you may need their help this time around. If you lose your focus, you could get careless. Some complicated matters related to your lifestyle or home could require your vigilance. Financial front will be challenging as the week progresses. Your plan is to spend as little money as possible. Lucky Day: Sunday; Lucky Colour: Blue
(October 23 to November 22)
Businesspersons need to be satisfied with routine gains for now. You'll experience heavy workload and it will be difficult for you to meet deadlines. You will ask help from your co-workers with whom you bond well. No major monetary gains are foreseen this week, so you need to streamline your expenses. Be very careful with any financial transactions. Lucky Day: Thursday; Lucky Colour: Orange
(November 23 to December 22)
You may not feel like stepping out of office because you have an intense amount of work. The only way you can handle it all is by limiting your contact with the outside world. Some good monetary gains will enliven your spirits. Don't get tempted to spend on luxury items. Some unexpected health issue will crop up and diagnosing the cause will become difficult. Lucky Day: Monday; Lucky Colour: Pink
(December 22 to January 19)
Planetary positions at the beginning of the week will support lovers. On the other hand, marital life will not be easy. Businesspersons and professionals will have a tough time finding high-worth clients. You will be hard-pressed at work but remain focused and work sincerely. Some good encouraging opportunity to benefit monetarily will come your way this week. Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: White
(January 20 to February 18)
You will remain in a comfortable position on the financial front. Regular expenses will be taken care of without any hassle. Invest your surplus funds wisely. Things don't look encouraging with regards to health so be extremely careful. Love will challenge you, though be sensitive and not stubborn. Catch the nuances and adjust accordingly. Lucky Day: Thursday; Lucky Colour: Blue
(February 19 to March 20)
Best things in life take a while to materialise and the same goes for business deals. You will remain focused on your work. But keep in mind that you also need some time to relax and refresh yourself. Financial front will improve but don't expect too much. Issues in relationship will keep you stressed, so avoid anything that will harm your relationships. Lucky Day: Saturday; Lucky Colour: Violet
Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava is an astrologer, vaastu expert and life coach based in Dubai. Read his observations and predictions on the week ahead, along with your lucky day and colour, in Star Talk

By Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava

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