UAE authority warns against children sharing pictures, videos of their parents with friends

Such insights into life at home can expose children to the world, leaving them susceptible to negative external elements


Web Desk

Published: Fri 19 Jan 2024, 12:02 PM

Last updated: Fri 19 Jan 2024, 10:46 PM

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department has asked parents and children to be careful while posting photos and videos on social media, and sharing them with their friends, in order to protect minors and ensure their safety.

Children photographing their parents and sharing the pictures with their friends may seem like a harmless activity, but can actually lead to unintended consequences.

According to the authority, exposing the home to those outside the family allows them to obtain details about the child's life, which could lead to danger. This includes photos of family members and details of the house in which they live, and recording or live streaming private family events.


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ADJD also says that it is advisable for children not to share details about their lives and relationships with people who work in the house, such as domestic help or drivers.

Exposing their lives on social media also leaves children vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, and in certain cases, blackmail as well.

Young people are often unaware of the consequences of sharing their private lives with friends and strangers. They may also do it to gain attention or boast about private possessions within their friend groups. Lack of parental control in these situations could lead to sensitive information being revealed in unsafe environments.

The authority has listed ways in which parents and adults can prevent such situations:

1. Parents should raise children's awareness of the dangers involved when sharing private details with those outside the home.

2. Children should be educated about electronic blackmail methods and the risks in revealing locations and details of the house.

3. Schools must also educate children about the importance of keeping details of their lives private.


Web Desk

Published: Fri 19 Jan 2024, 12:02 PM

Last updated: Fri 19 Jan 2024, 10:46 PM

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