5 tips to keep your New Year's resolutions in Dubai

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5 tips to keep your New Years resolutions in Dubai
More often than not, we forget resolutions. Then make a new one every New Year and we also forget that. Here's how not to.

Dubai - If you're reading this, congratulations you still remember your resolution.

By Keith Pereña

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Published: Tue 3 Jan 2017, 10:39 PM

Last updated: Wed 4 Jan 2017, 11:54 AM

It's four days into 2017 and some of us might already be taking baby steps towards our New Year's resolutions. On Khaleej Times' Facebook page, we asked you 'What is your New Year's resolution?' and the community delivered. Most of the UAE community said that they plan to exercise more; with a few saying they'll spend less time on social media. Have you also made a resolution along these lines? If so, get ready to take some notes because here are some tips to help you keep them and become a better person in the process.

Make it specific

Saying "I'll exercise more!", "I'll save money!" are both classic examples of resolutions that are both vague and daunting. If you're really dedicated to putting it into action, make it specific so that you can act upon it. Instead of saying either of the former, say something such as "I'll put away Dh500 every month from my salary." It's not only specific; it also helps you gauge how much you can do and how much you're willing to push yourself to achieve your resolution.

Use technology

The surefire way to get you working on your New Year resolution is to use the technology you have in your fingers. Set monthly reminders on your phone; download a fitness app or a personal finance app, read through forums discussing your resolution so you'll be surrounded with like-minded people. The internet is a powerful tool and it's not just for checking emails or browsing cat videos on Facebook.

Tell people about it

We don't mean you should brag about it, but rather tell people you know and love so that they can follow up with you. You can also be held accountable when they follow up with you and you say that you're not following through with it. Plus, they can also inspire you to never give up on it when you're feeling down. Aren't friends great?

Doing something is better than nothing at all

One of the biggest letdowns while you're working on your resolution is hitting a plateau. At that point you're neither improving nor getting worse. But take note: At least you did it right? You can live to fight another day. To stressed out to commit to an hour of working out? Try to cut back and spend 20 mins or so but make it the best 20-minutes you ever had. It might not be a full step towards your goal but it's still a step and it's better than not having taken it.

Reward yourself when you hit a milestone

Within reason of course; if you promised to save up money every month, why not treat yourself a little bit with a meal or something you've been wanting? If you've been putting in the time at the gym and eating healthy give yourself time to "cheat" and take a bite at that juicy burger. But remember to go back to working on your resolution afterwards!
Best of luck with your New Year's resolution this 2017 - whatever it may be.

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