KT edit: Put that mask on

The heroes on the frontline deserve better from us than premature casualness


Published: Thu 20 Aug 2020, 9:59 AM

Last updated: Thu 20 Aug 2020, 12:02 PM

The spike into the 400s in the UAE in this Covid marathon calls for some deep introspection on all our part. We need to wake up and ask ourselves, each one of us, if we have had a part to play. Dropped our guard a tad, just been a little careless, taken those 'whatever' chances and literally and figuratively let the mask slip. Become gregarious, gone shopping, filled the pool, think of it, each little indiscretion by one multiplied by thousands becomes one big indiscretion.
In the UAE, and in countries such as the UK, the single largest factor in the hike is the family gathering. People have begun to widen that circle and that nuclear family limit has spread to the larger family and then to adding friends. As days pass with no fallout, there is a looseness in vigilance and the risk factor increases as we gambol with loved ones, adding to the mix frequenting fun spots and meeting others. Then suddenly, it goes wrong, horribly wrong and we are surprised and shocked. What happened, we did nothing wrong, just one day we got together.
That is enough.
It is a sobering thought that a further spike takes us into lockdown territory just when we were breathing in relief that we are dwindling towards low three-digit figures. The heroes on the frontline deserve better from us than premature casualness. We have been showing the world the way, let's keep doing that. Put that mask on and reduce the togetherness.

Published: Thu 20 Aug 2020, 9:59 AM

Last updated: Thu 20 Aug 2020, 12:02 PM

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