Want to retire at 40? Entrepreneur Lloyed Lobo offers tips on how to achieve financial

He gives the lowdown of the lessons he learnt on his journey towards achieving financial freedom before 40

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Photo: Neeraj Murali
Photo: Neeraj Murali

Published: Thu 14 Sep 2023, 8:16 PM

Life is an incredible journey, full of twists, turns, and lessons that shape us along the way. In this story, I am going to take you on my personal adventure, the lessons I learnt from it and the drive that propelled me to bootstrap my fintech company to over $10 million in revenue and secure more than $100 million in capital to eventually achieve financial freedom before the big 40.

A childhood shaped by contrasts

I was born in Kuwait, to Indian parents who were not highly educated. My father was a farmer in Mangalore, while my mother lived in the slums of Mumbai. At some point, they made the decision to move to Kuwait for better prospects as the currency translated more favourably when compared back to India.

My family's life took an unexpected turn when the Gulf War hit Kuwait. I was a young child at the time, and my first reaction was a somewhat selfish one — relief that I wouldn't have to face the possibility of failing fourth grade. But as the reality of the situation began to sink in, I went through a profound transformation.

During the Gulf War, my family and I faced uncertainty and danger. There were no phones, no Internet, and limited access to information. It was an era when communities came together to navigate the challenges posed by the war. People in our building organised shifts for guarding the premises, providing shelter to displaced family members, and ensuring there was enough food for everyone.

What I experienced during that time left an indelible mark on me. I witnessed the incredible power of people uniting for a common purpose. Despite the chaos and danger, I felt a sense of significance and belonging. It was during those months, at a young age of nine, that I learned when people join forces with a shared purpose, they can change the world.

This experience also introduced me to the concept of a greater purpose, something that would become integral to my entrepreneurial journey later in life. The power of a common goal that unites people from all walks of life stayed with me, and it is a lesson I have carried into my endeavours as an entrepreneur.

What my early failures taught me

The experiences of my childhood in Kuwait and the Gulf War instilled in me an understanding of the power of risk, uncertainty, and ambiguity. It is about embracing the unknown and finding opportunities in adversity. That experience would unknowingly give me the appetite for entrepreneurship in the years to follow.

A valuable lesson from challenging times is the importance of the people around you. Whether in adversity or luxury, your companions greatly influence your journey. In the world of entrepreneurship, enduring companies are often defined by a compelling purpose that resonates with everyone. It’s not merely about making money but about making a meaningful impact on people.

My journey from a challenging childhood to unexpected educational opportunities emphasised the importance of striking a balance between taking risks and seizing opportunities. Aspiring entrepreneurs should assess their risk tolerance and ambition carefully.

Carrying the burden of not being ‘good enough’, I ventured into entrepreneurship, determined to prove the naysayers wrong. I co-founded two AI startups, one in 2013 and one in 2015. Sadly, they both were ahead of their time and we had to call it quits as we were unable to meet customer expectations. Despite growing doubts from others, I viewed these failures as stepping stones, not dead ends. They became opportunities for growth and learning.

Over time, the weight of societal expectations and judgments was replaced by a strong sense of purpose and self-belief. I was no longer defined by the early startup failures. Instead, I was defined by my resilience and unwavering commitment to my goals. The path to success is rarely a straight line, and my journey has been no exception. It was my third startup that I started with my best friend from university that finally achieved success after facing adversity, taking risks, and learning valuable lessons along the way.

Things to remember when you are planning to retire at 40

Retiring at 40 is not about doing nothing after the age of 40; it is about creating freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with whom you want. It is about breaking away from society's conventional definition of success and not waiting until 65 to do things you love when you are less able. The message is clear: don't just live to work; work to live the life you genuinely desire.

This mindset shift involves creating a holistic approach to work and income. Exploring multiple income streams such as freelance work, entrepreneurship, investing, and online businesses become key components to achieve financial independence and flexibility.

Effective communication has been a cornerstone of my entrepreneurial journey. It’s not just about conveying ideas but also about building relationships and trust. Creation, on the other hand, is the heart of entrepreneurship. It's about taking ideas and turning them into tangible products or services that solve real problems. Consistency, the third key, is perhaps the most underestimated. It’s this ability to consistently execute on your vision that sets successful ventures apart.

Taking risks and persevering are essential components of the entrepreneurial journey. It’s easy to give up when faced with adversity, but true entrepreneurs understand that each risk and setback brings them one step closer to that stroke of luck. Understand that pain is a precondition for growth. Throughout my journey, I encountered pain in various forms. These moments of discomfort pushed me to re-evaluate my strategies, to learn from my mistakes, and to emerge stronger.

Adopt frugality and resourcefulness when you start up. Instead of constantly seeking external funding, consider focusing on developing a business model that generates revenue from early customers. Frugality teaches valuable lessons about resource management and efficiency. By carefully allocating resources and avoiding unnecessary expenses, entrepreneurs can position their businesses for long-term sustainability and growth.

The entrepreneurial journey typically involves maintaining focus and avoiding overcommitting. Overcommitting and spreading oneself too thin can hinder progress. Discernment and strategic decision-making are key.

I also emphasise the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. When entrepreneurs believe in their vision and maintain unwavering faith in their ability to achieve their goals, they naturally draw opportunities and resources that align with their aspirations.

My journey underscores the paramount importance of prioritising family and maintaining a healthy work:life balance. While the pursuit of entrepreneurial dreams may demand long hours, it’s vital to strike a balance that allows for moments of connection with family and friends. These relationships provide essential support and fulfillment on the journey.

Entrepreneurs must prioritise their physical and mental health as these form the foundation upon which both their business and family life rest. Implementing self-care routines and rituals that promote well-being and positivity is essential for long-term success and happiness. Self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity.

As you embark on your entrepreneurial path, remember that success is not just about reaching your destination; it's about the transformation that occurs along the way. Each challenge and setback is an opportunity for growth and learning. Stay committed to your vision, communicate it effectively, create with purpose, and be consistent in your efforts. Embrace the uncertainties and risks, and don't be discouraged by the pain. It's all part of the journey, and it's what will ultimately lead you to the realisation of your dreams, whether that's achieving financial freedom at 40 or any other significant goal you set your mind to.


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