Gatorade announces winners of 5v5 football tournament

Published: Thu 11 May 2023, 10:55 AM

Last updated: Thu 11 May 2023, 1:34 PM

The Gatorade 5v5 football tournament was held for the first time in the UAE, with youth players from across the country competing

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Team Varkvale FC and EFC 1 were crowned as winners, earning the chance to represent the country in the international finals of the Gatorade 5v5 Tournament in Istanbul, Türkiye


Gatorade announced the winners of the Gatorade 5v5 football tournament, hosted for the first time in the UAE. The players from team Varkvale FC and EFC 1 emerged as the winners, earning them the opportunity to participate in the international finals of the Gatorade 5v5 tournament in Istanbul, Türkiye.

The Gatorade 5v5 football tournament hosted at the Ballers Stadium Dubai on May 7, involved male and female youth football teams from across the UAE competing against each other in a bid to secure a chance to represent the UAE in the global finals of the Gatorade 5v5 football tournament. The finals will be held in Istanbul Turkey on June 10 ahead of the UEFA Champions League Finale.

Aamer Sheikh, CEO of PepsiCo, Middles East expressed his admiration for the participants, he stated: "We are delighted to witness the success of the first Gatorade 5v5 football tournament in the UAE, the tournament is a great platform for young football enthusiasts to showcase their sporting talent. Congratulations to the winning team from Varkvale FC and EFC 1 for earning the opportunity to represent the UAE at the international finals. This achievement is a testament to the young athletes' hard work and dedication to upscaling their skills on the field and achieving their goals, and we are proud to be a part of their journey."

Commenting on the event, Ali Omar, director of the events department at Dubai Sports Council, said: “Congratulations to the winners. We’ve seen exceptional skills and sportsmanship by the young talents that participated in the tournament, and their success is a testament to the effectiveness of programmes like the Gatorade 5v5 football tournament, which offer young athletes the necessary resources and platforms to excel”.

The teams will now have four weeks to prepare ahead of them taking part in the Gatorade 5v5 Tournament in Istanbul, Turkey.

The boys’ team, Varkvale FC and girls’ team, EFC 1 were crowned champions of the Gatorade 5v5 football tournament, and they expressed their excitement about participating in the international tournament. EFC1 player, Boglarka Tramontini, commented after the victory: "We are thrilled to have won the tournament and are honoured to represent the UAE in Turkey. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to showcase our skills and compete against top youth footballers from around the world”.

For more information, please visit where you can follow the team’s progress at the Gatorade 5v5 football tournament in Turkey.

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