How to best answer the interview question ‘Why do you want this job?’

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Confused as to how to answer this recurrent interview question? Well, we’ll help you out!


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Published: Fri 10 Mar 2023, 10:38 AM

Last updated: Fri 17 Mar 2023, 11:20 AM

Why do you want this job? If you’ve attended an interview, you’re probably familiar with this question. It can be classified as a trick question, but the approach to answering it is fairly simple.

Tips and tricks to answer this very common interview question:

Research the company beforehand:

Adequate prep before attending an interview is an absolute must. Over the course of applying, you might have submitted applications to a number of firms for a number of roles. The prep for each company will differ as your answers will have to reflect the goals and ethos of that particular company. If you’re interviewing for the position of a Research Assistant, the question, therefore, is not why you want the job of a Research Assistant, but rather, why you want it within that specific company.

Understand the culture and focus of the company and relate it to what you offer and are looking for as a candidate. If it’s a company with great emphasis on sustainability, talk about how you’ve been looking for a job that cares about the environment. If the company's workforce is young and modern, mention how that inspires you to be innovative and fresh in your approach, always.

Be honest but professional:

Never make the mistake of taking an interview question purely at face value. When the hiring committee asks you this question, never give oversimplified answers like, ‘to make the living,’ or ‘because other jobs rejected me.’ While it may be true, what the interviewers want to hear is how you’ll benefit the team and company upon being hired.

Talk about your experience and skills as assets:

Use this opportunity to not only talk about your relevant (personal and) professional experience but also how that will help in furthering the goals of the company. Prove to them that you want this job because you have encountered related situations earlier and have been trained for it. This invaluable training and experience can now be translated into actionable goals which will make you a contributing member of the team. For example: For customer-oriented roles, you could call back on call center or other related roles you’ve fulfilled in the past that has now made you equipped for this role you’re interviewing for.

Highlight your alignment with the company's mission and vision:

Keep in mind that while answering this question, mention both what you would potentially offer to the company as well as what the company would offer you. Talk about everything you will bring to the table that will drive up the company's productivity. Also mention why you would be inclined to choose the job amidst similar others. Does it provide high scope for growth? Does it have a good team that will make collaboration a dream? Are you excited about the long-term agendas posed by the company? Do the company’s principles appeal to your own principles? Talk not just about why you are a good fit for a company but about why the company is a good fit for you.

No matter the job, a positive attitude and enthusiasm is always a plus!
No matter the job, a positive attitude and enthusiasm is always a plus!

Enthusiasm never fails:

Interviewing committees often keep an eye out for enthusiasm and excitement on the part of the candidates they’re interviewing. They are more inclined to choose candidates who seem to embody genuine zest and optimism in being hired for the company. Through your words, body language, and expression, convey this enthusiasm to the committee and show them what motivates you.

Touch on your career goals:

Talk about the career journey you’ve visualised for yourself and where this role at this company features in it. Discuss all the ways the job will enhance your journey and develop your career ambitions along with aligning well with your long-term career goals. An example statement would be: I see myself become a partner of a firm in the next ten years and the journey of the others in this company and what it offers assures a good trajectory for my growth.

A number of things could draw you into a particular role or company. Answer this question in an honest and concise manner that conveys enthusiasm and passion, and you’re sure to dazzle any interviewing committee!

For more interview questions and answers, click here.

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