UAE: 12,005 vaccine doses administered in 24 hours

The total doses administered now stand at 24 million.

Reuters file

By Web Desk

Published: Mon 21 Feb 2022, 3:56 PM

The UAE has administered 12,005 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in the past 24 hours.

The country's Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) said the total doses administered now stand at 24 million.

This takes the rate of doses to 242.96 doses per 100 people.


New Zealand will lift Covid-19 vaccine mandates and social distancing measures after the Omicron peak has passed, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday, as protesters occupying the parliament grounds again clashed with police.

Inspired by truckers' demonstrations in Canada, thousands of protesters have blocked streets near the parliament in the capital Wellington for two weeks with trucks, cars and motorcycles, piling pressure on the government to scrap vaccine mandates.

Ardern refused to set a hard date, but said there would be a narrowing of vaccine requirements after Omicron reaches a peak, which is expected in mid to late March.

"We all want to go back to the way life was. And we will, I suspect sooner than you think," Ardern said at a weekly news conference.

"But when that happens, it will be because easing restrictions won't compromise the lives of thousands of people – not because you demanded it," she said, addressing protestors.

Meanwhile, average daily Covid-19 cases and hospitalisations are continuing to fall in the US, an indicator that the Omicron variant’s hold is weakening across the country.

Total confirmed cases reported on Saturday barely exceeded 100,000, a sharp downturn from around 800,850 five weeks ago on January 16, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

In New York, the number of cases went down by more than 50 per cent over the last two weeks.

Web Desk

Published: Mon 21 Feb 2022, 3:56 PM

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