It's homecoming of the athletic kind as the Olympic Games return to their ancient birthplace and the city of their revival, Athens, in mid August. The first documented games took place in 776BC in Olympia, where the name came from.
They were taking place every other four years and they were revived in modern times in Athens in 1896.
From August 13 to 29 this year, 10,500 athletes from 201 countries will unite in Greece, with a unique background of historical settings and monuments, to participate in the greatest celebration of humanity.
No wonder there was pride and emotion in the voice of Pericles A. Saccopoulos, representing the Hellenic-UAE Cultural Association and Rotarian, who gave a presentation to fellow Rotarians at their weekly meeting held at the Dubai World Trade Centre, supported by video clippings of the forthcoming event dubbed to be yet another history in the making. Saccopoulos also offered 10 packets with Olympic Games book, along with videotapes, to be distributed to UAE educational institutions for promoting the Olympic Ideal and to create awareness among the student community. He also proposed to the Rotary Club of Dubai to sign the Olympic Truce Pledge, endorsed already by many personalities and institutions of the world in support of the age-old tradition.
'The noble idea behind the Games was to stop the fighting among the warring city-states and to bring the people of Greece onto a common platform. The Games were born in the ancient city of Olympia,' informed Saccopoulos. The olive branch wreath 'kotinos', which was presented as a prize to the winner was also a symbol of peace and it occupies a place of prominence in the Olympic medal. The new Olympic medal is approved by the International Olympic Committee for the Athens 2004 Games and for all future Olympic Games. 'We are very proud as our new design of the medal showing the all-marble Panathinaiko Stadium and the statue of Nike (Victory) was approved by the IOC.' Similar proposal by the Australians in changing the medal for the Sydney Olympics was rejected at the time by the IOC.
The Olympic Torch, which will pass through Cairo on June 11 as part of the five continents torch relay before returning to Greece on July 9, is designed to resemble an olive leaf, weighing 700 grams and standing at 68cms. The values of Olympic heritage, human scale and participation are expressed through this design in a unique Greek way,' said Saccopoulos informing that the torch is going to Africa from Cairo to Cape Town and across the Atlantic to South America for the first time ever. From there on it will go to North America, Canada and back to Europe and finally to Greece.
According to Saccopoulos, the whole of Greece is involved in the Games as events are spread out throughout the country so that all the states reap the benefits arising from the mammoth event. Greece is looking forward to welcoming a large number of visitors who will combine their holidays with watching the Games. The 'Athens 2004' Accommodation Department is taking every possible measure to make rooms available in Attica and neighbouring Prefectures. Seven cruise ships will be on a stand-by basis to fulfil any shortage if arising from the visiting spectators. Also many local houses will be rented out after inspection by the Committee. The four Olympic cities, besides Athens are Thessaloniki, Volos, Patra and Heraklio.
And how many visitors is Saccopoulos expecting from the Middle East? Big numbers, as Greece is a popular destination for the Gulf residents. But this summer we are expecting double the crowd due to the Games. By the way, we have well connected daily flights to Athens from Dubai with Emirates Airlines and with Olympic Airways. Greece enjoys the status of a traditionally safe tourist destination country'.
About the security situation and preparations Saccopoulos informs that the Greek Government is investing $650 million in security planning and infrastructure that will ensure a safe environment for all athletes, spectators and visitors. A number of new hotels have been built, a new airport and ring road and new metropolitan and suburban train will enable the visitors to reach their destinations in record time,' said Saccopoulos.
During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Greece will host multicultural events, exhibitions, live performances and other festivities right from the ancient theatres at the foot of the Acropolis to every park, square, concert and exhibition hall throughout Athens and Greece. 'In the spirit of Olympics, the Games will promote the bond between sport and culture, or what is better known the ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body,' said Saccopoulos quoting Socrates the great Greek philosopher.