DUBAI — The Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD) has announced an increased emiratisation rate of 87 per cent among its 206 employees in the first half of 2008, up from 81 per cent in the last three years.
Ali bin Salem Al Mahmoud, General Manager of the SEDD, said that this growth is a result a series of new appointments of qualified nationals in different positions throughout the SEDD's various divisions and branches. Out of the Department's total of 206 employees, just over 180 are UAE nationals , compared to the 163 UAE nationals employed by the Department in 2007 and 121 three years ago. "We have further plans to attract members of the national workforce, providing them with training and career development programmes, with the aim of achieving our goal of increasing the emiratisation percentage in the second half of 2008 and in the coming years," he added.
"We have achieved an impressive rate of growth in the employment of national citizens in senior management positions. All of the SEDD's divisions, departments and branches are led by qualified nationals who have proven their proficiency and capacity for continuous career development," Al Mahmoud said. The SEDD is keen to introduce a host of incentives to make itself the employer of choice for UAE nationals in the job market.