Ask the therapist: I worry about providing for my family

By Dr Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 31 Dec 2020, 6:33 PM

Recently, I lost my job. I have a wife and two children. I feel tensed about my prospects and how I will be able to take care of my family. —Name withheld


Dear Writer, I am very sorry to hear that you have lost your job. The pressure to find a new one in a short span of time to be able to support your family must weigh heavily on your mind.

Not having any specific background information about you, I still want to remind you that you have work experience and marketable skills, and most likely a professional network. Make it your priority to send your curriculum vitae to as many posted job vacancies that are related to your work experience as possible. At the same time, activate your professional network, which would include reaching out to former colleagues from prior jobs and colleagues who have left your current company. See if it is possible to secure a favourable recommendation from your current employer. Also, consider reaching out to trusted friends and family for job leads, emotional support and to create a solid ‘Plan B’ in case it takes you longer to secure another job.

Try to remain calm and remember that you are doing what you can and that you are not in this alone. Looking for a new job is a full-time job in itself, but it is also important to set aside some time in your busy day to practise good self care in terms of exercise, healthy food intake and sufficient sleep. This will help calm your mind and body and put you in the best frame of mind as you begin your interviewing process.


Wishing you the very best in securing a new job.

Dr Schonder is an integrated psychotherapist with

Dr Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 31 Dec 2020, 6:33 PM

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