For 38 years since KT's birth, we have strived to create an ideal mix of stories that gives Readers a net feeling of positivity after they read the newspaper.
Published: Sat 16 Apr 2016, 12:00 AM
Updated: Sat 16 Apr 2016, 9:02 AM
?Dear Readers,?
Balance?? is a less understood word in journalism. But it decides how ?a? page looks like, what stories ?get? showcased, and what the Readers' mood ?is every morning. It creates a mix of inspiring stories (which create positivity) and bare news as it happe??ns (which keep us abreast of what's happening).
Did we fully inform the Reader in the morning? Did our news selection disconcert him/her? Did our news inspire him/her? It is the last question that has become the key ?feature of a news product in the age of social, where readers are defining news.?? They seek news that is shareable, likeable, wowable.
For 38 years since KT's birth, we have strived to create an ideal mix of stories that gives Readers a net feeling of positivity (inspiration, empowerment, enlightenment) after they read the newspaper. ?Inspired by the UAE's commitment to positivity, and its decision to s?e?t up a ?H?appiness ?Ministry, KT appointed a Happiness and Positivity Editor ?this month ?to enliven journalism. Today's edition is a tribute to that effort, to make news a positive experience.
This? ?specially-designed ?issue contains:
- ?A front page of happy faces
?- ?A second page of 38 tidbits about ?KT?
- ?A 12-pager inside that showcases 10 happy milestones in KT's life
- Many other special features and happy zones?
We wish to thank you, dear Readers, for constantly telling us what kind of stories you like, how they inspire you, and why you share them. We also thank you for telling us what you do not like.
On our 38th birthday, we resolve to finely balance between breaking and inspiring, between investigating and illuminating, between informing and empowering.? ?
Best regards?