Tiger mauls female worker in front of visitors


 Tiger mauls female worker in front of visitors

Russia - The big cat sprung on the keeper and mauled her badly

By Web Report

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Published: Tue 7 Nov 2017, 10:53 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Nov 2017, 2:34 PM

 In a horrifying incident, a Siberian tiger attacked a young female zookeeper at Kaliningrad Zoo, in Russia, after its cage was accidentally left open while she brought food to the animal.
The big cat called Typhoon sprung on the keeper and mauled her badly. Luckily, the woman's life was saved as the viewers at the zoo shouted and threw stones at the tiger until it backed away.
According to the reports in Daily Mail, the tiger, who turned 16 this year, was just about to kill her as the keeper lay on her back while the animal was on top of her. But at this point, some men lifted a table and chairs from a nearby café and hurled them over the fence to distract the tiger. The bleeding keeper was able to run to a secure part of the compound and saved her life. 
Zoo witnesses were quoted saying the keeper screamed and tried to fight off the animal as the other employees were not present when the surprise attack took place. The keeper was admitted to a hospital with multiple wounds to the body and limbs and her condition is said to be critical. However, there is no threat to her life. 
A spokesman praising the visitors said that alert onlookers managed to distract the tiger allowing the zoo employee to hide in a back room and then they called an ambulance.
Later the zoo staff arrived at the scene and shot a sedative into the tiger who was reported to be 'stressed' and 'aggressive' and stated that Typhoon had never displayed any aggression before.
While, a statement issued by the zoo authorities said: 'No measures will be taken against the tiger. The predator is not being blamed for its attack on the keeper.'
An official investigation was launched to find out the reasons for the tragedy in the zoo.

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