PTI must accept poll results to show political maturity: PM

Islamabad - "I invite those people, who are trying to pull our legs, to come and contribute to the development of Pakistan," Sharif said in a veiled jibe at PTI chief Imran Khan.


By Afzal Khan

Published: Fri 16 Oct 2015, 5:46 PM

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has urged Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) leadership to show political maturity and accept the results of recently held by-polls in Punjab.
"I invite those people, who are trying to pull our legs, to come and contribute to the development of Pakistan," Sharif said in a veiled jibe at PTI chief Imran Khan.
Addressing a gathering at Kotli, Azad Kashmir, where he laid down foundation stone for 102 megawatt Gulpur Hydel Power Project, Sharif confessed that his party had erroneously issued the party ticket to a wrong candidate but said the PTI's candidate still lost in the Okara by-poll.
"We accepted your demand of re-elections but you are still not accepting the results," the premier said, adding the results of Punjab by-polls were rejected within just 48 hours. The premier went on to say that while the PML-N government was aiding the country's development, there were others who were putting hurdles in the way of the country's progress.
Further, Sharif once again reiterated his commitment to resolve the energy crisis, claiming that power outages would end well before his government's tenure. "By the end of 2017 or at the start of 2018 load-shedding in this country will be gone forever."
The prime minister went on to say that the government was not only trying to address the issue or loadshedding but also looking into ways to produce electricity at cheaper rates. "It is our government's top priority to make electricity available at cheaper rates to farmers and LNG, coal and water-based power projects will help produce cheap electricity."

Afzal Khan

Published: Fri 16 Oct 2015, 5:46 PM

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