Time to find your centre

June 21 is the International Day of Yoga and we're getting our pose on for this discipline that simultaneously promotes health, fitness and peace. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, these apps have it all, from teaching you new moves to helping you practice even while on holiday. So do your mind - and body -a favour and bring some zen into your life. It's all just an app away!


Janice Rodrigues

Published: Fri 17 Jun 2016, 12:53 PM

YogaGlo (iOS, Android, Free)
Hate it when you have to forgo your daily yoga sessions while travelling? Well this one is great for those with limited data opportunities. YogaGlo allows you to access over 3,500 yoga classes in a variety of styles, levels and durations. You also have the option of downloading up to 10 yoga classes which you can view at a later date - no internet required whatsoever. Follow your favourite yoga instructors and find the best lessons for you through their curation tool. So  now you can get your yoga on wherever you go.

Pocket Yoga (iOS, Android, Dh11)
Want a yoga teacher to advise you in the comfort of your own home? That's basically what this app does. Just roll out your mat, place it in front of you and choose between its 27 sessions that have varying durations and difficulty levels. With detailed visual instructions, a voice that guides you through every pose and the soothing default music, you're sure to be refreshed and energised. The app is a winner because it also has other cool functions like describing the benefits of different poses and unlocking new environs as you go along.

Kids Yogaverse: I AM LOVE (iOS, Dh14)
Getting your kid interested in yoga is possibly every parent's dream. That being said, it's also quite the feat. Enter Kids Yogaverse, a unique, interactive storybook app and that might help your young one to learn a thing or two about the practice. The app is designed for 4-8-year-olds and has interactive features like the 'Guess What?' button that reveals interesting facts - all to the backdrop of soothing music and hand-drawn illustrations. 

Yoga Studio (iOS, Dh14)
Considered to be the whole package by many, Yoga Studio features 65 classes in HD video, sorted according to level and focus. But what makes it unique is its level of customisation; the app allows you to play your own tunes, and even create your own HD video classes. Other perks include keeping track of your class schedule and having a library of 280 poses with detailed advice and instructions at the palm of your hand.

Janice Rodrigues

Published: Fri 17 Jun 2016, 12:53 PM

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