Code Orange

The one-stop home solutions space


By Rima Soni

Published: Fri 22 May 2015, 4:31 PM

Last updated: Sun 26 Jul 2015, 3:08 PM

I’m an avid reader of your column. My fingers are very dark and do not match the rest of my skin colour. Do you have any remedy for this?

  • Name withheld
Peel an orange, and massage your fingers with the outer layer of the peel; its natural orange oil will solve your problem. Leave this overnight and, for best results, do this daily.
I have hyperpigmentation (darkening of an area of a skin caused by increased melanin) on my cheeks. Kindly give me a remedy that will lighten it.
  • Uzma
The best remedy for hyperpigmentation is applying a mask made of a thick mix of 1 tbsp puréed ripe papaya, oats powder and rice powder. Apply generously on your face and once the mask is dry, gently exfoliate the skin. Do this everyday. Alongside, you should also remember to wear a sunblock 20 minutes before stepping out of the house — it goes a long way towards protecting your skin.
I’m an avid reader of your column. My menstrual cycle has not been regular for the past two months, and since then, I’ve also noticed that my hands and face seem to be getting darker. I have a lot of facial hair, and after I wax it, my face turns back to its original colour, but this does not last more than a week or so. Please do suggest a solution.
Take 1 tbsp of tomato purée, 1 tbsp aloe vera gel, and add cornflour and sugar in equal proportion. Apply this onto your face and gently scrub against the hair growth. You will notice that the hair will start lightening gradually and later, start falling. Do this everyday.
I’m a 13-year-old girl, and suffer from dry skin and hair loss. Please suggest remedies for these problems.
  • Jane
If you have dry skin, ensure that you increase your water intake — drink at least 9 to 10 glasses of water every day. Add extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil to your salad (about 2 tbsps should be enough), and have that on a daily basis. For your hair, massage the scalp with either extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil and follow this up with a steam treatment to your scalp, 45 minutes before shampooing. This must be done three times a week to stop hair fall and also improve the quality of your hair.
I have severe hair fall and tiny boils on my scalp. I use permanent hair colour twice a month, and can’t help but wonder if that is causing the hair fall and boils. Please suggest a treatment
  • Carol
Make a mixture using 2 tbsp aloe vera gel, 9 drops of tea tree oil, 6 drops of rosemary oil and massage this into your scalp. Leave overnight. Do this twice a week to soothe your scalp and reduce the hair fall. I suggest you switch to Vegetal, an organic chemical-free hair colour. It is full of herbs that can improve the hair’s condition and will also give your hair a natural colour. Local organic stores and supermarkets stock it. 
(Got a beauty-related query? Write to Rima Soni at

Rima Soni

Published: Fri 22 May 2015, 4:31 PM

Last updated: Sun 26 Jul 2015, 3:08 PM

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