Youth Spot: Dance your way to fitness


Youth Spot: Dance your way to fitness

Want to be fit? Fad diets and two hours at the gym are not helping? Starving, weaning off junk food and going completely green have not helped, either? It is probably because you are not enjoying your workouts.


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Protecting the young ones

The Landmark Group has announced plans to raise Dh500,000 in support of the International Diabetes Federation’s (IDF) ‘Life for a Child’ programme.



MoH begins practical diabetes programme

The Ministry of Health (MoH), in cooperation with the Health Authority-Abu Dhabi (HAAD) and the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), has launched a new multidisciplinary educational training scheme called “Practical Diabetes Programme”.



Beef safe, no mad cow disease in UAE

Beef sold in the UAE is safe and consumers have no reason to worry, food authorities said on Thursday. This follows a case of mad cow disease detected in the US last week, and after two farms in California were quarantined on Wednesday. Another cattle ranch is under investigation, according to reports.
