312,000 speeding violations detected in Ajman

Ajman - The police impounded 6,469 vehicles in 2016 and 236 vehicles in 2015


Afkar Ali Ahmed

Published: Thu 2 Mar 2017, 6:30 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Mar 2017, 8:36 PM

The number of speeding violations recorded in Ajman has gone up despite several awareness campaigns being conducted in the emirate. A total of 312,000 speeding violations were detected by radars in Ajman during 2016 compared to 236,000 violation recorded in 2015.
Col Khalid Mohammed Al Nuaimi, Director of Traffic and Patrol Department at the Ajman Police, said that in general the number of traffic violations has gone up with 125,000 traffic violations recorded in 2016, as compared to 110,898 in 2015.
Col Al Nuaimi said that the increase in the violations was detected due to the intensified inspections and patrols, more radars on all highways and roads to ensure safety and security.
He added that the police impounded 6,469 vehicles in 2016 and 236 vehicles in 2015. "The cars were impounded for jumping red lights, reckless driving, speeding, driving under the influence of alcoholic."
Col Al Nuaimi said that the Ajman Police has recently decreased the speed limit for some arterial roads from 100kmph to 80kmph to implement the strategy of the Ministry of Interior that aimed at decreasing the number of road accidents.
'Speeding is one of the serious violations that cause cars to deviate and crash into other cars causing death and serious injuries," he said.

Afkar Ali Ahmed

Published: Thu 2 Mar 2017, 6:30 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Mar 2017, 8:36 PM

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