YouTuber ate McDonald's for a week; this is what happened to him


YouTuber ate McDonalds for a week; this is what happened to him

The 33-year-old has attempted a week of gorging on only frozen food, another eating just canned goods and a third on baby food.

By Web Report

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Published: Thu 12 Apr 2018, 3:07 PM

Last updated: Thu 12 Apr 2018, 5:13 PM

All pleasure and no guilt for this YouTuber who only ate McDonald's for seven days straight and lost weight. Mike Jeavons, who has several eating challenges to his name, delightfully savoured his favourite Quarter Pounders, Bacon & Egg McMuffins and fries, spending £99.
Jeavons took on the challenge for himself after he got inspired by documentary Super Size Me and ate 21 McDonald's meals in seven days. He had expected to put on some extra pounds after the enormous amount of calories that he had consumed. But, to his surprise, the British YouTuber actually lost weight, according to reports in Mirror.
The 33-year-old has already attempted a week of gorging on only Iceland frozen food, another eating just canned goods and a third on baby food. "I'm always thinking about what I can do next," said Jeavons, a freelance social media professional.
Narrating why he took up the McDonald's challenge, Jeavons said he wanted to stage his version after he watched the documentary Super Size Me in which filmmaker Morgan Spurlock only eats McDonald's food for 30 days and reveals the drastic effects on the body. "I thought the documentary was a little sensationalised. If you're eating about 5,000 calories a day, then of course you're going to put on weight and find your well-being affected," Jeavons said.
"But I wanted to stick to the daily recommended amounts of things like calories, fat and salt, to see if I could have a balanced diet eating at just one outlet and still end up happy and full at the end of it all." Jeavons noted everything he ate in his food diary between March 21 and 28.
Jeavons and his wife Grace, 28, are big McDonald's fans. "We're both big McDonald's fans. But that wore off very quickly," he said.
How did he maintain a 'good diet' with the fast food challenge? "To keep everything in line with the recommended daily allowances, I had to save calories where I could," he said.
"Because I was eating so much fat, zero-calorie drinks were a saviour - though they did make me feel ill after a while. By the end, I felt pretty sluggish and would get major slumps."

When he weighed himself at the end of the week, he found he had shed 5lb, going from 15st 7lb to 15st 2lb. His video on his YouTube channel has garnered string of positive comments from fans. "People think it's great, and are asking what I'm going to do next," he said.

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