Winner Reaches Out to Woman in Distress

ABU DHABI — Pakistani social worker Abdul Sattar Pardesi’s luck finally held good during the week when he won the National Bonds weekly prize
of Dh5,000.

By Mohammad Abdul Qudoos

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Published: Wed 19 Aug 2009, 12:42 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 9:22 AM

Even more heartening was the fact that he decided to part with the money he earned from his bonds savings, for a great cause.

He decided to hand over the money to a poor Pakistani woman from Swat Valley. A few days back Pardesi had heard from his friends of a woman in distress. Her husband in Sharjah was jailed and ever since she has faced the harsh realities of life when it came it fending for herself and her son. The amenities bills, the rent for the living space and finally when it came to even having a meal became a struggle.

The 25-year-old woman did not know where and whom to approach to explain their grave situation. The problem was further aggravated by the calls and enquiries on the bounced cheques that her husband had presented earlier on.

But as of now she has the good Samaritan in Pardesi who volunteered to bail her out of her dilemma. Pardesi said he would help out with the electricity bill of Dh1,500, which he did immediately.

For the visa overstay period, Dh2,000 was spent, and the remaining Dh1,500 was used to buy her an air ticket to Pakistan. Bushra Ahmed, Welfare Secretary of Pakistan Social Centre Sharjah, said she helped with the daily food and cash for sundry expenses.

“We have told her to strictly stay at home and call us (me or Pardesi) if she needs any help even in the middle of the night,” Bushra said.

Meanwhile, Zahid Atique, a UAE resident for over 25 years, continued his winning streak with National Bonds. He is the first bondholder who has won the Dh1 million prize twice, besides regularly winning the other smaller prizes that are offered at the weekly draws.

Overwhelmed with his good fortune of winning a million just six weeks ago, the 54-year old Pakistani petrochemical engineer has again won another million dirhams in the August 1 weekly draw. On both occasions, it was his friends who informed him of the good news as he cannot be contacted due to his job in the oil rig. “I can only thank Allah for the wonderful situation he has placed me in.”

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