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Breakfast: Power of the first meal

Having a meal after waking up might be the single most important food decision of your day. The food you take in in the morning fuels you for the entire day. I go by the saying: 'Breakfast like a king, lunch like prince and dinner like a pauper'. If you've ever wondered why, read on.


Kids: Craft like a wizard


Kids: Craft like a wizard

Busy lifestyles and technology are keeping us further away from our family, and it's thanks to silly seasonal festivities like Halloween that give us an opportunity to reconnect with them. Here are some easy crafts for quality bonding time.


Spotlight on the hauntingly talented


Spotlight on the hauntingly talented

Bone-chilling wounds, eerie bloody stitches and features made of nightmares, these are among the many horror make-up sfx Dubai resident Hanan Saleh has mastered and continues to try out different projects as a hobby, when not busy with her day-time real estate ambitions. She shares her journey with Farhana Chowdhury.
