World is at the mercy of two very immature kids

Published: Sun 17 Sep 2017, 7:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 17 Sep 2017, 9:44 PM

Is it 'nuclear narcissism' Kim is gripped with that makes him go crazy flaunting to the world every now and then the deadly nuclear wealth in his possession? Or, is it just to serve as a deterrent to the potential predators hell-bent on his blood? Or is it a manifestation of a 'sense of insecurity' that he is being haunted by, making him sleepless all these days and drives him to launch over a dozen missiles every now and then? Or, is Kim unclear about how nuclear weapons can doom the world? If GDP is measured in terms of number of missiles launched in a year, Kim would no doubt bag No 1 in ranking! Expect not a sane thought that can deter Kim, with a provocator on the other side. Coincidentally, the world now is at the mercy of two immature kids of extremes. On the one extreme is an 'over-aged teen' called Kim . on the other extreme is a 'geriatric boy' (or a paediatric elderly) with an incontinent tongue that knows not what its master has in his mind, the mind itself being in a confused state.
The price the world will have to pay in having these two 'Wanton Kids' could be unimaginable in the way they react with their ballistic tongues and thermonuclear rhetoric. In a world of nuclears, the two are unclear of its consequences. The kids are to be blamed for provoking the other's immaturity, and the price the world has to pay for their folly. The two know not what they are up against. None would survive to sympathise with their folly should a nuclear war breakout, leaving no second chance to redo the folly. Inscrutable are the ways the two kids act! Let's pray for their matured thinking to save the planet! May sane thoughts lead the two for a safer world!
KK Jayarajan, Fujairah

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