DSF launches new TV commercial

DUBAI- Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) on Tuesday launched a new TV commercial, with the theme `All Roads Lead to Dubai.' The TV advert, which took several months to shoot, is expected to be one of the most stimulating and eye catching that DSF have ever produced.

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Published: Wed 3 Dec 2003, 12:26 PM

Last updated: Thu 9 Nov 2023, 9:00 AM

Filmed in six countries worldwide including the UK, France, Russia, Egypt, China and the UAE and with a pre-production period of one month the commercial is being launched globally this week and is expected to be an instant success.

Saeed Al Nabouda, Chief Executive Officer DSF, said: "We are thrilled with this advertisement. The theme `All Roads Lead to Dubai' compliments the existing DSF branding of One World, One Family, and One Festival. The DSF is the region's biggest single event drawing millions of people worldwide, it represents the belief that the DSF has something to offer to people of every culture and origin."

"We hope that the advertisement will be stimulating and that it will generate positive interest for the DSF. We believe we have a unique event and we invite the world to share it with us," he added.

The advertisement depicts several key cities around the world and their famous bridges, roads and walls all dramatically turning in the direction of Dubai. The opening scene is filmed in Moscow, then moving across to Tower Bridge, London - the bridge can be seen pulling itself out of the river Thames and swinging to face Dubai. It then cuts to the Champs Elysee, Paris, the famous landmark creaks and growls as it moves Eastwards. Similar shots illustrate the ancient Sphinx in Egypt, rotating its head to face Dubai, finally The Great Wall of China dramatically breaks away from the Earth connecting directly with Dubai via an extended road. The final scene sees nationalities from all over the world being warmly greeted in Dubai as the journey ends.

Digital Asia Concepts, located at the Dubai Media City, created the advert. The advertisement is to be broadcast on many channels worldwide including the Dubai TV, Abu Dhabi TV, BBC, Discovery Channel in 12 regions, MBC, Euronews, Travel Channel, LBC Satellite Channels, CNBC Arabiya and many more. The broadcasting schedule will run from today until the 15th of February when DSF 2004 will conclude.

Dubai Shopping Festival, now in its ninth year, represents one of the region's biggest annual events. Packed with promotions and activities, visitors from all over the world come to Dubai to sample the fantastic shopping opportunities and activities that take place throughout the month. Dubai Shopping Festival 2004 will run from January 15 until February 15.

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