The future of education

By Aaditya Tangri, Co-Founder & CEO of Kalebr Americas and Founder of STEAMathalon

Published: Thu 26 Dec 2019, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 27 Dec 2019, 1:00 AM

There is no question that, in the future, student learning will supersede the classical curriculum  that we know today. Students will become partners to their own education, partaking in real-world and digital experiences that allow collaboration, communication and teamwork for all students beyond classroom walls. Therefore, we need to facilitate these experiences using the "native" tools of modern learners, equipping the youth and preparing them for their future workplaces, which ultimately should be reflected in the classroom.
Casting our eye to the future, standardised roles will be increasingly automated. Machines will free people from routine tasks, and yet, despite these revolutions in technology, the workplace will always contain people. Students must learn to work together. The human workforce will need more strategic, non-routine skills and be able to work in complex teams effectively. This deems collaboration, creative thinking and emotional intelligence as key. Employees will spend a large part of their working week using technology to build collaborative partnerships across organisations.
The goal of increasing organisational efficiency has been replaced by the mission to be more agile, innovative and digitally focused. It will be about connecting knowledge workers with one another, and connecting those same experts to the data, tools, and context they need to address complex business scenarios.
In the teaching sphere, technology has contributed to ubiquitous learning, allowed educators to create differentiated learning pathways and present content through an exciting medium, and enabled thought-leaders to share global evidence-based practices on social media. Technology has also worked wonders with hands-on experiential learning and collaboration. However, advancements in technology are, more often than not, simply an outcome of leading organisations around the world adopting and implementing best practices to succeed.
We need to understand how best to offer solutions that are modular and flexible, to suit every organisation's needs. So, how can we implement tools within the curriculum to make this paradigm shift away from traditional models, and prepare young learners for their future? We need to:
. Provide a framework for promoting collaboration
. Encourage creative thinking, tolerance and well-being through real-world challenges
. Ensure a competitive play-based innovation league
. Promote an inclusive environment, mimicking future workplace settings, where learners tackle global challenges
By sharing the power and responsibility for learning, we can set young learners on a path to secure a sustainable social, cultural, economic and environmental future for our world. Never before has it been more important to highlight the importance of developing new understandings about learning, rethinking the role of technology in education, and connecting learning more closely with the world beyond school, mimicking real future workplace settings, with all their unknown challenges.

Aaditya Tangri, Co-Founder & CEO of Kalebr Americas and Founder of STEAMathalon

Published: Thu 26 Dec 2019, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 27 Dec 2019, 1:00 AM

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