IF CARLOS Agassi is looking especially buff these days, it's because he's been working double-time: along with a busier career, he has also gone back to school.
Carlos, last seen in Rounin and Princess Sarah, enrolled in a certification course offered by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). He's due to complete it in November 2008, and when he does, Carlos will become a certified physical fitness trainer qualified to practice his profession not just in the Philippines, but in other parts of the world, including the United States.
In addition to the ACE certification, Carlos is now in the process of getting the units he took toward a Psychology degree at De La Salle University credited in the University of the Philippines, but this time, toward a degree in Food and Nutrition. The BS Food and Nutrition degree will complement his ACE certification and give the hunky actor a nice fallback in case he decides to completely give up his showbiz career.
"If everything goes well, I should be done with my studies in one and a half years," says Carlos.
He decided to go for it after Rounin. Carlos was idle, and while waiting for his next project to materialize, he decided to check out his options. There were projects being offered, but none of them excited him. He didn't want to accept them just to have something to do; if he was to take on a project, it had to be something that really excited him that would be worth his while.
That's when he decided to pursue the ACE certification. "I just felt that instead of wasting my time, that I should do something-and not just anything, but something really worthwhile and something that I enjoyed," explains Carlos. "And the more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea of going back to school seemed. I also liked the idea of studying so that I can pass on what I know to others. I like the idea of helping other people stay healthy and fit. I'm doing something that I enjoy, and helping others at the same time."