THE SHE FACTOR: Carving a success story


THE SHE FACTOR: Carving a success story
Renu Manjunath, owner of Label RM.

Dubai - Renu Manjunath's Label RM focuses on creating fresh jewellery designs


Sandhya D'Mello

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Published: Sat 20 Apr 2019, 4:00 PM

Last updated: Sat 20 Apr 2019, 6:08 PM

Dubai is one of the major gems and jewellery markets globally. It has attracted most of the international and regional brands as the demand for designer and branded jewellery is growing in the region, says Renu Manjunath, owner of Label RM.
Renu's fascination for jewellery started from a young age. She got the inspiration from her grandmother, who told her stories about jewellery.
"I longed to own them all one day. Little did I now that one day I would not only own but also create my very own brand of jewellery. I inherit a very strong will power, perseverance and the right attitude to run a business from my father and the nobility and the power of compassion from my mother."
In 2013, Renu brought a fashion jewellery brand to the UAE to test the markets for fashion jewellery.
"I discovered there is a lot of space in the market for exclusive high-quality fashion travel and destination jewellery. I found aspiring customers looking for exclusive yet affordable travel jewellery. The urge to fill that gap in the market while giving value for money to my customers inspired me to launch my very own label - Label RM," said Renu.
The jewellery market plays a prominent role in this glitzy and glamourous city called Dubai and being versatile it always has something to offer any nationality that visits here.
"Uniformity in its pricing, purity in quality and adapting to the dynamic fashion trends makes Dubai a favourite jewellery shopping destination in the world," said the seasoned entrepreneur.
Label RM has a dedicated in-house team in India and Dubai and Renu ensures every piece meets stringent quality standards before delivery,
"Emphasis on quality was the key, it's what I believe. Initial stage staying abroad I faced a lot of difficulties in terms of production to liaise with finest craftsmen who worked with precious metals and getting them to make fashion jewellery with same finish and quality was tough. My brand ensures the metals that are used are non-allergen and light weight but still give the heavy and precious look and at same time making it stress free for travel purpose. For me the quality of my product should speak for itself," said Renu.
"I work with the best artisans across the world including India, Taiwan, Nepal, Bangladesh and many others, who combines traditional and contemporary jewellery for today's women. Label RM has always been customer-centric brand. This field requires constant innovation, once you know what the customer needs it becomes easier to provide the same. Most of my client approach me for my unique statement pieces. Other than jewellery we also provide trousseau and destination accessories. We also have set up for after sales services here for our UAE clients."
So how does Renu balance work and home? "Achieving work-family life balance is a very daunting process. I have learned through my experience that it's very important to provide yourself opportunity for balance. I involve the people I trust in the process. My husband Manjunath Iyer, has been a pillar of strength throughout my entrepreneurial journey. My husband is my best friend, my strength, my biggest critic and my greatest supporter. His vitality and energy are contagious and he pushes me to do better. I regularly discuss with my husband and children their perceptions, opinions about my work. It has made me aware of the issues that I needed to deal with and improve."

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