Engine protection technology launched in Abu Dhabi

DUBAI - A major Abu Dhabi group of companies launching ground-breaking technology to protect engine components into Gulf markets says the construction industry is counting on Dubai’s economic recovery to restore business stability.


Published: Fri 19 Nov 2010, 11:18 PM

Last updated: Tue 10 Jan 2023, 10:05 AM

The Foresight Group GCC, whose range of business activities covers general transportation, machinery, cement, steel and real estate and investment, aims to take the region by storm with the introduction of a unique oil additive product which dramatically prolongs engine lives leading to major savings on spare parts.

The surface modifying product, among a range of lubricants being marketed under the Synionic brand name, will be introduced to plant and mechanical engineers, consultants, architects, contractors and other construction industry buyers in live demonstrations at the

Big 5 PMV exhibition later this month at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

“We’re introducing this ground-breaking technology in the Gulf for the first time and are using the exhibition to increase exposure within the region,” said Marwan Y. Ghaith, Chief Operations Officer of the Foresight Group GCC and its new division, Foresight Patented Technologies.


Mixed with normal engine oil at a ratio of 1/10, Synionic protects engines through a process of ionic bonding surface modification. This puts a one molecule thick coating on engine components and provides a threshold for impact and pressure which tests have shown to be almost 40 x greater than that of any other lubricant available.

To highlight the effectiveness of Synionic’s lubrication technology during the Big 5 PMV, taking place from 22-25 November, a six-cylinder Toyota Prado treated with the product will have its engine fully drained of oil and its radiator emptied while running. Mr. Ghaith says what happens next will astound onlookers.

“The engine just keeps running because the one molecule coating of our formula prevents any metal on metal contact whatsoever,” he said. “It drastically reduces friction, overheating, and engine residue resulting from worn metal components. As a result it minimises the dependence on oil as a coolant and detergent in the engines of plant, machinery and construction vehicles, and of course cars. There is no equal to this product.

“It means far less frequent oil changes, a considerably longer life for oil filters and other spare-parts, greater fuel efficiency, reduced fuel emissions and ultimately a much healthier engine.”

The product is patented and manufactured from a secret formula by Synionic in the UK. Foresight Lubricant Technologies is its exclusive GCC distributor.

Ghaith hopes the Big 5 PMV, organised by Streamline Marketing Group and part of the Middle East’s largest and most influential construction industry event, the Big 5, will provide evidence that the industry is at last recovering from the economic downturn. “Construction companies in Abu Dhabi are looking towards Dubai because the sooner its economy picks up the quicker prices will return to a healthy level in the UAE,” he said.


Published: Fri 19 Nov 2010, 11:18 PM

Last updated: Tue 10 Jan 2023, 10:05 AM

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