Ask the therapist: My daughter shies away from meeting people

By Dr Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 24 Dec 2020, 6:09 PM

My daughter, who is all of two, has been mostly home ever since the pandemic began. She thinks the world exists in computer screens and is gradually shying away from meeting people. How do I tackle her? Reena Sharma


Dear Reena,

Thank you for writing about your daughter. This pandemic has had a negative impact on all of us and has not spared any age group.


I understand your concern about your little two-year-old shying away from meeting people due to being at home and spending a great deal of time on computer screens.

She is at just the right age to begin to play with her peers so that she can develop social skills and tap into her imagination and creativity. When you feel that it is safe Covid-wise, it would be a good idea to find opportunities for her to play or spend time with another child. Gently give her time to warm up to her new friends. Children will go at their own pace and the best thing is to provide an environment in which they feel safe.

Prior to the pandemic mothers and their children would meet as informal groups, perhaps meeting through Expat Women Dubai. Playgrounds also offer so many opportunities for children to meet and interact. Lastly, preschools are great places to learn and play. I predict it will not take very long for your daughter to adjust to being social.

With widespread immunization programs and precautions, I am very hopeful that we will soon return to life as we knew it.

Wishing you well,

Doctor Annette

Dr. Annette is an integrated therapist at

Dr Annette Schonder

Published: Thu 24 Dec 2020, 6:09 PM

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