Vicco: From herbs to medication

Sanjeev Pendharkar, owner of Vicco Labs Pvt Ltd

Vicco reinvents Ayurveda and has practical solutions for ailments


By Our correspondent

Published: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 28 Jan 2018, 6:33 PM

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old science that has stood the test of time. Derived from two Sanskrit words - Ayur (life) and Veda (knowledge), Ayurveda literally means the knowledge of life. Though Ayurveda is included in the historical scriptures, it has gradually evolved. Today, Ayurveda is not a difficult task to practice as its practitioners have found out various easier methods of its administration and usage.
"Our family and our institution strongly believe in the ancient science of Ayurveda," says Sanjeev Pendharkar, the owner of Vicco Labs Pvt Ltd. "That is why my grandfather started making various products using natural ingredients, and my father and myself developed and formulated more products using natural ingredients only."
According to him, ancient sages in India had to wander for miles to get certain ingredients necessary for cure. "We at Vicco bring to you the most effective Ayurveda products that have medicinal properties," he says. "That is why we strengthened our marketing strategies so that you would know about our authentic Ayurvedic products, as well as launched an aggressive retailing technique so that these products are available at your doorstep."
Pendharkar points out that many companies claimed to have Ayurvedic properties, which contain certain medicinal properties. However, all these products are manufactured under the cosmetic licenses and thus have a minuscule amount of original herbs in them with a chemical base, he adds.
On the contrary, Vicco products are manufactured under Drug License. "As a result, you will always find a sufficient quantity of the herbs in the products. That is why Vicco products are more effective and give better results than its competitors," he claims.
Vicco Vajradanti Ayurvedic Toothpaste, for instance, contains therapeutic ingredients including babool bark, Indian medlar, blackberry, cloves, Bengal madder, jujube bark, walnut bark, mayweed plant, Indian liquorice root, bishop's weed, cinnamon, cutch tree bark, sappan wood, chebulic myrobalan, vajradanti bark, Indian sarsaparilla, Indian gooseberry, berelic myrobalans, cubeb and oak, says Pendharkar. 
All these ingredients, when added in an appropriate amount, give astonishing results in maintaining excellent oral health and hygiene. 
"We are very happy with the response the people in the Gulf are giving to our Vicco products," he adds. "It has been overwhelming. This year, we achieved the target of sending 20 containers of our products to the Gulf and have been getting more orders. Thanks to their demand and to comply with it, we have accelerated our production in India and wish to satisfy all the product demands in the Gulf."
He attributes the success of the company to the consistent efforts of three generations, their perseverance and their knowledge and passion for Ayurveda. "All of these, combined with intelligent marketing strategies, promotional offers and effective schemes for the customers enabled sales boost across the globe," he adds.
Ayurveda is primarily famous for healing pain, points out Pendharkar. Keeping this in mind, the company launched Vicco Narayani cream and Vicco Narayani spray. 
"It not only helps to get rid of any type of muscle aches and bone pains, but also helps in curing cold, cough and headaches," he says. Made from various oils, including eucalyptus, cloves and mint, the cream helps ease pain, irrespective of age. 
Vicco promotes Ayurveda not just through advertisements and articles, but also through products and ensuring they are available at the consumer's doorstep, he says. 

Our correspondent

Published: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 28 Jan 2018, 6:33 PM

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