DUBAI — Comments and suggestions are welcome from people who took part in Dubai 2006-2007 Shopping Festival for organising more interesting events as part of DSF next year, Brigadier Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, Director of Dubai Naturalisation and Residency Department, said at a ceremony held yesterday at Dubai Officers Club to honour DNRD officials who took part in DSF.
University students who were part of the welcoming committee at Dubai International Airport were also honoured.
Major Omar Al Shamsi, Head of the Public Relations and Protocol, DNRD, said “Our department started sponsoring DSF in its early beginning with its welcoming team that was consisted back then of sons and daughters of some 11 DNRD staff. Now the committee consists of 120 persons representing 32 different nationalities and speaking 23 languages. All of them have been trained and orientated to reflect the proper image of Dubai to as many visitors as possible. Our department operates under the slogan ‘one world, one family’”.