This organic dairy farmer has some wise words for us all

Torben Sønderby, who recently flew down from Denmark to teach local schoolchildren at Arla's Organic Pop-Up Farm, on the importance of pursuing dreams


Published: Fri 13 Oct 2017, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 13 Oct 2017, 2:00 AM

What is your best childhood memory?
Camping with my family! My parents, sisters, brothers and I would travel up to the campsites in our station car. We would have pillows and blankets in the back, and a very large tent for camping. We used to be very busy at home (my dad was a farmer too), so when we went on holiday, we had a lot of time to kill and I enjoyed spending time outdoors very much.

If you could move anywhere in the world, what place would that be?
I've been thinking about that of late. I think it would be Switzerland. I would have some cows and take them to graze in the summer; during the winters, I would go skiing - I love skiing! Switzerland would be perfect for me - it has the best of both worlds!

The biggest learning point or experience in your life to date.
Between the ages of 13 to 16, I was at a boarding school, where I stayed from Monday to Friday - and sometimes on the weekends too. At the time, when I started at this school, I was a little boy who had low self-confidence. I always thought I wasn't good enough. But during those three years, I persevered and started to believe in myself more. I came out a stronger guy because of that experience.

What is the one skill you'd love to learn, and why?
I'd love to learn to fly an airplane. When I was younger, I did have a dream of becoming a fighter pilot; I even went for a flying test for a whole week. Unfortunately, on the third day, I failed and had to go home. I would love to learn to fly an airplane again and feel as free as a bird.

What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
I would say: always believe in yourself and what you want to do. You are never going to do something if others have pushed you into it. You have to be true to yourself and be confident that the path you're taking is the right one.

If you could go back to any era in time or witness any major event in history, which one would it be, and why?
I'd go back to the year 1992, when Denmark was the Euro champion in football. It was a great time, because it united the entire country. Everybody was so happy that our football team had won, and there was a strong feeling of connection, pride and happiness in the country. I'd love to go back to that.

Your greatest fear.
Without a doubt, losing my family. My family means the world to me, as they're the ones who make me strong and confident.

If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day, who would it be and why?
Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK, so I could take back Brexit. I think the European Union should stick together and make quality connections. We are stronger when we are united.

Who is your favourite movie character of all time - and why?
My favourite movie character is Guido in the Italian film La Vita è Bella (Life is Beautiful). Guido is a happy-go-lucky chap who finds his beautiful wife, Dora, and they have a little child, Giosuè. It's set just before World War II, and they are headed for a concentration camp. Guido and Giosuè are separated from Dora, and Guido makes a fantasy world for his little boy, helping him through those hard times, sheltering his son from the horrors of his surroundings. It's amazing to watch.

If you were Prime Minister of your country, what is the first thing you'd do?
I've been in Dubai for nearly a week, and I'm very fascinated by the cars here. I think if I were Prime Minister, I'd take taxes off cars in Denmark, so we could afford some lovely cars like you have here in Dubai.
- Staff reporter

Published: Fri 13 Oct 2017, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 13 Oct 2017, 2:00 AM

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