The perfect natural balm for your lips and other tips

Wellness expert Rima Soni offers natural remedies for all your beauty problems


Published: Thu 24 Jan 2019, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 25 Jan 2019, 1:00 AM

I am 14 years old. My lips are dark; I have tried some remedies like using lemon and exfoliating, but the results were not long-lasting. My eyebrows are very sparse, and my hair gets tangled and frizzy very easily. Please help!
- Arya
Coconut milk applied on lips and left overnight helps exfoliate dead cells, and make lips light, soft and smooth. You could even rub papaya on your lips, and rinse off after 20 minutes. You must do this daily. Castor oil is excellent to add thickness to eyebrows: apply a little on eyebrows daily and leave on overnight. Aloe vera gel applied on wet hair and combed with a thick-tooth comb is helpful in detangling and reducing hair frizz.
My son is 15. He has a lot of dandruff, which is now showing up on his face as well. There's a lot of itching on his scalp due to the dandruff. Please recommend a home remedy.
- Name withheld
Take 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil; add an equal amount of lemon juice. Massage this into his scalp, and also on his forehead. Leave on for at least 1 hour; rinse and shampoo off. He could even leave this treatment on overnight. Doing this a couple of times a week will clear dandruff; he will also have no itchiness and his forehead will be cleared.

I am 14 years old, and have a lot of problems: I have facial hai, pimple scars on my face, and dark circles under my eyes. My hair too is falling and losing its colour. Please suggest effective home remedies.
- Name withheld
Apply a pack of turmeric, rice powder and water on your face. When dry, scrub off. Doing this thrice a week will help you get rid of facial hair. Rub a slice of papaya daily on the pimple scars; rinse with warm water, followed by a cold-water rinse. This will help exfoliate and clear pimple scars. Cold tea bags rested on eyes for 10 minutes daily will help lighten dark circles under eyes. A warm almond oil massage on scalp will help nourish the scalp, arrest hair fall and retain the hair's natural colour.

I am a 12-year-old girl who has pimples; I also have a lot of hair fall. Please give home remedies for these problems.
- Fathima
You must check if your scalp has dandruff, because hair fall and pimples may be a consequence of that. Here's a remedy: take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 9 drops of tea tree oil; mix well, and massage on your face and scalp; leave overnight. The pimples will start reducing gradually, hair fall will stop, and your skin will look bright. This treatment must be done thrice a week for effective results.

I am a 22-year-old male, and a big fan of your beauty tips. I suffer from a continuously worsening condition of spot baldness and thinning of hair at the scalp. I fear this might have started because I used to shower in hot water. Kindly suggest a home remedy.
- Name withheld
Nice to know male readers are appreciating my beauty column! Make a lotion with 12 drops rosemary oil, 1 teaspoon castor oil and 6 drops tea tree oil. Massage into scalp every day and leave overnight. Do this daily and you will get good results. Hair will grow and thicken. Avoid using hot water on hair; use room temperature or slightly warm water.
(Got a beauty-related query? Write to Rima Soni at

Published: Thu 24 Jan 2019, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 25 Jan 2019, 1:00 AM

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