I want to work on all the dreams I had as a kid

Zubin Doshi, owner and founder of gourmet ice-cream shop Scoopi Café, talks about his sweet tooth, and his dream to create a chocolate wonderland in Dubai


By Karen Ann Monsy

Published: Fri 28 Aug 2015, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 28 Aug 2015, 10:31 AM

The number one item on your wish list?
To create a chocolate wonderland in Dubai similar to that of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory with all the flavours one can imagine.
What good deed are you planning to do today?
The one good deed I ensure I do every day is be kind and helpful to everyone I meet. I'll be happy if I can make even the smallest change in someone's day. Sometimes you have no idea how much you can affect someone by just being nice.

The biggest learning point/ experience in your life.
Being away from home and out of my comfort zone at a very young age has shown me the true side of life, but the real learning experience was when Scoopi Café was launched. Nurturing this brand into what it is today and keeping customers happy is a life-changing experience. Having quite the wanderlust, I love to absorb inspiration and ideas from other cultures around the world and try incorporating them into the creations at Scoopi Café.
The first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?
Ice cream and chocolates! It is exciting to think about various flavour mashups that I could serve my guests. The best creations in my café were once a fragment of the thoughts I had while having my morning tea.

The app on your smartphone you click on most often.
There are approximately a gazillion restaurant apps but my favourite is Find. Eat.Drink. Unlike the majority of the food apps, Find. Eat. Drink. is actually curated by people who know a thing or two. Instead of angry customers who didn't get the extra cheese they asked for, Find. Eat. Drink. is run by chefs and sommeliers. With it, you can start finding all the spots those in the business love.
Your fitness mantra.
A power workout every morning is what gets me through the day. I try to follow a balanced diet and believe that clean eating is vital to keeping me fit and focused.
Your greatest fear.
While it is easy is to keep offering something new, the real challenge is to keep meeting clients' expectations. My fear would be to fail to maintain the standard I currently set in Scoopi.
A way in which you are trying to change your life this year.
Taking the road less travelled! I want to work on all the dreams I had as a kid. Opening Scoopi was one of them, and I'm excited to tick the next one off my bucket list.
Favourite movie character of all time - and why
Alan Turing from The Imitation Game. I loved the character because his role was incredibly inspiring and motivational as he tried to crack the enigma code with fellow mathematicians during World War II.
If you could have your pick of superpowers, what would you choose?
I would want to be Captain Planet and to have the powers of water, wind, fire, earth and heart that united to create him - to make this world a better place to live in, of course!
As told to Karen Ann Monsy

Karen Ann Monsy

Published: Fri 28 Aug 2015, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 28 Aug 2015, 10:31 AM

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